Heroes 4x04 Acceptance

Girl-on-girl action is always good for ratings. :smiley:

Nathan’s old girlfriend’s mom. They were drinking by the pool. Daughter slipped and fell, busted her head open and died. Momma Petrielli covered it up. The red-head thot her daughter ran away.

Good for her, finally getting some revenge. Mama Petrelli so has it coming.

She was so remorseful last season and now look at her.

Nathan is already dead. She needs to accept that.

I hate to say it, but I’m kind of hoping that Sylar kills her. The scenes from next week have him being questioned about killing his mother. I hope they’re talking about her and not his actual mother.

Actually I think they are going to drag that back out again.

I hope not, but you’re probably right. :frowning:

I love Sheridan too, even though his role is all sleazy, but my mind keep telling me that’s a guy you can trust…

yes, that was a power of Sylar…

I only watched the episode from Peter at HRG on the night it aired. So now I finished watching the first half.

I have to say, Hiro saving the sorrybard-copier and the come back of Sylar’s phyical body is looking pretty good…

Heores might not be a guilty pleasure this season afterall.