Heroes 4x04 Acceptance

“Find something you love to do, so it doesn’t feel like work.”

This is depressing me.

Hiro, DON’T JUMP!!

I don’t know. Time to close the HEROES shop, perhaps?

So it might appear. I’ll join in for the remainder of the episode tonight.

So far, all the characters are “accepting” their situation. Hence the title of the episode. Weird that.

I only know this blonde as Nikki. What’s the waterlogged model called?

EDIT: Tracey HRG just said.

“Maybe you just can’t go home again.”

What is this tone poem episodes now?

Every episode has a theme.

That’s the last stage of grieving, too. Appropriate for a show that everyone seems to have stopped watching. :frowning:

Yeah, and there was the dead sister that shared Nikki’s body. Her name escapes me.

“Why don’t we skip dinner?”

Wow. He works quick. If I said that I’d be laugh at.

Aw, John Sheridan (and Papa Awesome) is a sleazeball in this show. :frowning:

This displeases me on a fundamental level.

They keep showing Nathan in the mirror image.

Nathan knocked out.

My guess mommy has something to so with this.

I know. He plays the hero so well. It’s really unsettling to see him like this.

Um…I’m dissatisfied.

Eventually, it won’t be Nathan’s face looking back, I guarantee it.

I think Ray Park has said more on-screen in the past month than he had in his entire career up to this time.

HRG change his mind.


“Nathan has always been overly theatrical.”

Thanx mom.

Boy, is Nathan gonna be surprised when he rises from the dead!

Wow! I guess mom wasn’t involved.

You kill my child. I’ll kill yours.

YAY! Sylar is back.

And his mind is toast. Wow, so original. Wait when did they do that before?

Whose mother was that?

Whoa. Sylar is back!