Heroes 4x03 Ink

Monday, September 28, 2009
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

here we go kids!!!

I hereby name this character “Inky McGee”. :smiley:

So i guess he can control the ink cause it might be made of natural dyes??


Um, OK…

That was a bit surreal.

Simon! :stuck_out_tongue:

Matt atlking to Sylar like he is really there is getting hard to believe without Matt being committed to an assylum.

i really like Head Sylar

Parkman saved by Sylar. I guess he just wants the body to stay alive so he could stay alive?

“Hooray! I’m helping!” /Zoidberg :smiley:

Oh Claire…trying to hide from yhour problems

I still have never seen Co-Ed bathrooms in a dorm

I have seen a co-ed bathroom in a dorm at the University of Minnesota

Gretchen has a secret of her own, I think.

HRG seemed to recognize her.

Maybe HRG put her there to look after Claire-bear

I think she is working for the circus.

Just screams out for trouble me thinks…

Occasionally, dorm bathrooms are only de facto co-ed, not officially.

I wonder if HRG knows about the circus?

Ms. Drip Drip is back