Heroes 3x10 The Eclipse, Part 1

Monday, November 24th, at 9 PM ET

I’m here!!!

Thread now retitled correctly! :smiley:

It was wrong? Observant, am I.

Sylar and Elle - just plain weird.

I’m here, too.

The last three were. I got the titles from the IMDb, and apparently they were wrong when I set them up. I never checked to see if they were right after the fact, until TFG pointed out my errors…

That Thot, he’s always so helpful!

Nathan is going for ‘The Kid’ look from Kid n Play.

I still don’t think the catalyst is Claire. Maybe I’m just dense.

Talia from Babylon 5 is in the online Heroes stuff. I love her voice.

The woman in those “Santiago” bits was on Babylon 5. Talia Winters, if memory serves.

edit: Yeah, what 'Talos said. :smiley:

I hate this 501 Levis commercial.

For a mind-reader Parkman is clueless.

Yeah, I hear you!

Is Claire like 4’1’’?

Why is the turtle head-banging?

Imagine how short she’d be without the top of her head. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, that’s a one take with the plane overhead and going into the store.

Cause it looks cool?