Here's a cool event: it's Audra's Birthday

Celebrate the day with all your fellow party-hat wearers!

Ozzy Osbourne [metal madman and food chain aberration]
Darryl Hannah [half fish and one-eyed psycho nurse]
Katarina Witt [skater and amazonian]
Julianne Moore [mother of the Dude’s baby]
AUDRA! [reigning queen of the collective GWC mind]
Brendan Fraser [king of the jungle and pharaoh slayer]
Joseph Conrad [Heart of Darkness author and Freud look-a-like]
Andy Williams [“Moon River” crooner and very tanned old guy]
Mickey Thomas [the “Gilligan” of Jefferson Starship]

Have a blast with the whole bunch! =)

Cool. But I’ll let Audra be the junk judge…uh…the Judge of Junk? Her Junkiness? Gotta think up a good title for the job…

I had a meeting with Laura Roslin this morning, and when I asked her should Audra have a happy birthday her response was:

Happy birthday from the President of the Twelve Colonies and the President of the “Audra is the Cooooolest” club!

Now, I know what you are thinking. You’ll think that you don’t believe in this birthday crap - you’re in charge of your own life now. Here, have yourself a wookie, and I guarantee, you’ll feel fine in no time.

Happy Birthday!!!


I’m channeling my inner fraggle and dancing up a storm, celebrating your special day. Some friends have joined in also.

Here’s your gift. Sorry I couldn’t wrap it.

What words can not express,
perhaps beer can…

Ginormous squishy hugz on this momentous day!

love, me! b!

Happy Birthday Audra!

Everyone needs their own Viper…

Happy birthday audra!!!

Brendon, is that Photoshop retouching, or are those Audracentric imagemaps on a fresh 3D rendering? Either way they are kick-(sorry Barb) images. Love the decal on the nose.

Happy Birthday!!! Eres la mas chida/chevere/bakan/guay… que hay!
And to celebrate, I have two videos for you… one of which is just hilariously ridiculous:


And another, despite the intro NOT being about the coolest one, has a neat song.


Happy Birthday Audra!

Happy Birthday, Audra!

You are truly the coolest… even the dictionary says so:

Its a photoshop retouching of a Viper image from battlestar wiki.

The number 0128 is the taken from the 1.28 average number of daily post from Audra.

TX is for the great state of Texas

The nose art is the Serra Angel by the artist Greg Staples.

Hmmm…I hate to say it, especially given that today is Audra’s birthday. But that is wicked cool, DBT. You may actually be the coolest now.:eek:

Happy Birthday Audra !!

Happy birthday!

If you’re wanting for proof of your belovedness, you need only look at all these great messages.

Omg!!..Wow, I am laughing out loud and almost in tears reading all these super-cool birthday wishes. It’s been a long week - I’ve been under the weather and very busy at work/school, and you all just make my day every single time I come here, especially today!

Nevah! Even behind all that rubber, there’s junk to be had.

Wow! Ozzy and Maude Lebowski?? It doesn’t get much better, seriously. I expected to share a birthday with, like, Buddy Ebsen, or Jake Busey or something.

My own wookiee! Holy craaap! That is cool. Sean is going to be jealous…

Wow. You are the coolest! I bow to the master. Thank you!!

Thank you to every single person who listens to and enjoys GWC, and for posting your happy bday wishes here, and to Lady D for starting the thread…y’all are the BEST.

Happy birthday! I hope to meet you in person one day.