Here's a cool event: it's Audra's Birthday

Haaaappy birthday!

Check your facebook too - lots of msgs on your wall!


Happy Birthday Audra… from the towel…

oh and Lee…

i mean me…

Happy Birthday to Audra!
Happy Birthday to Audra!
Happy Birthday to the COOOOOOLLLESSSSST!
Happy Birthday to Audra!

make it Awesome!

Happy Birthday! and direct ur attention to The HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUDRA thread down a few sections :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes (and steamy pics)!! YOU are all the coolest!!

MAN! Belated happy birthday!

Maligayang kaarawan!


Happy Birthday Audra
Coolest of the Cool,
Siren with a Song for Every Occasion
Bringer of Knowledge and Wisdom
And Queen Bee of the GWC Hive Mind

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy birthday. May those close to you not double-dip with a combo Xmas-Bday gift. And may the week bring you sustained awesomeness.

Happy Birthday Audra!!!

Happy Birthday, Audra !

Happy Birthday Audra!!
May Your Coolness Never Thaw

In classical Roman culture, ‘cakes’ were served at special birthdays. However, these cakes did not resemble contemporary cakes in the least. They were simply flat rounds made with flour containing nuts, leavened with yeast, and sweetened with honey. In early Europe, the words for cake and bread were virtually interchangeable; the only difference being that cakes were sweet while bread was not.

Happy birthday!

Have your self a wonderful Birthday Audra the Great

Happy Birthday Audra!

Colin Firth Wants to have a cup of coffee with you on your birthday…

Bettah than buttah…or a [COLOR=Green]Starbucks giftcard. [/COLOR]:smiley:

Have a happy one!

Man, those are great photos.
But Audra is gonna have a real hard time doing a junk report on them. ; )

Happy Birthday Audra! May The Cool Be With You.

Sorry about that. Is this better? :stuck_out_tongue: