Henry V on St Crispins Day Frak Party

be back soonest

not yet. tapping foot, looking at watch

Speak of Lady D, and so she appears! :smiley:

So why did they lynch that guy? Did I miss something?

I can’t believe this Kenneth Brannaugh is the same guy that made Much Ado About Nothing.

Looting a church, didn’t he say?

Tell them you have an urgent message from Montjoy The Herald.

You know he died awful quick. Where’s the obligatory thrashing about for 2 minutes?

Okay. I’m slow. Who in Henry V is the Doctor from Alien 3?

You know, these messengers during medieval wars really have a crappy, crappy job.

Yes. Yes I do.

I have an alibi.

So, none of these soldiers, as they march on thru the muck, just glance over and say to himself “hey, look, it’s Derek Jacobi, just muttering to himself in the forest”?

not doctor–little bald guy that limps off at the end

If you do it right, the spine snaps, and death is instantaneous.

Usually with voiding, which thankfully they also spared us. :slight_smile:

There’s quite a few Pikes in this movie, Pike.

thank you! nobody else seems to get that

wouldn’t you think people would get the hint when the hostess has to keep excusing herself?

Hey, he’s delivered three very unwelcome messages, and he’s still alive.

Can’t be that bad. :slight_smile:

No no no. Derek J is wearing his “Narrator’s Invisibility Shield”. Standard stuff.

If this was a Python flick, they would have stabbed him by now.