Henry V: Non-streaming ET/PT/CT/ZT/MT Frak Party

I’m surprised, being a “bard virgin” that you own the dvd–or did I not understand that correctly?

Kindly to judge OUR PLAY!!

so which one of these guys is Cheney and which is Rove?

“never noted in him any study”?
man, they’ve gotta be talking about Bush



I’m a movie whore, though.

I wish I’d read more of Bill in High School. I mean I know the premise of the famous Macbeth and Hamlet. Read a few sonnets (even wrote a few) but I know hardly any famous quotes. I tried to memorize To Be or Not… but not. Much like a frustrated writer, I’m a frustrated actor. Much passion, no skill.

this is where they convince harry that france has weapons of mass destruction

Love the exposition. Last week on the life of Harry

me too–as is the case with many people who majored in English

Bring it on BEEYYOTCHES!!!

getting holy before going to war–same as it ever was

I majored in goofing off. Filled with much regret and guile, I forsake…alright back to Shakespeare, he do the speech better.

dauphin–what an asshat

He said, “BALLZ”. beevis Hehe

kenneth branagh has no lips

When Henry leaves the court reminds me of ‘First Contact’. When Picard realizes the Borg are on the Enterprise and orders the he and Mr. Data will return to the ship. Picard walks toward the camera with crew in tow, exactly the same way Henry walks toward the camera with lords in tow. I wonder if Frakes is doing homage.



My first Shakespeare moment was the Star Trek episode ‘The Conscience of the King’.

cool, I never thought of that–and I’ve seen those 2 movies more times than I can count

He sure has a pretty mouth