wait! before you move this to the comics or animation thread…
I have been rewatching some of the classic 1992 Batman The animated Series. And I came across a two parter called “Heart of Steel”, where Babara Gordan was first introduced in the series.
But the theme of this two parter is about a scientist after losing of his daughter, tried to fill the void through creating his own A.I.
The scientist created H.A.R.D.A.C., Holographic Analytical Reciprocating Digital Computer. Which can produce clones of people and communicate with the clones through a network. While getting too attached to H.A.R.D.A.C. and the clone of his daughter that H.A.R.D.A.C. created, the scientist loses objectivity and given the machine too much freedom. Where the machine started planning to replace people with his clones.
er… sounds familiar to a certain pilot?