Heart of Steel - Batman TAS and Caprica?

wait! before you move this to the comics or animation thread…

I have been rewatching some of the classic 1992 Batman The animated Series. And I came across a two parter called “Heart of Steel”, where Babara Gordan was first introduced in the series.

But the theme of this two parter is about a scientist after losing of his daughter, tried to fill the void through creating his own A.I.

The scientist created H.A.R.D.A.C., Holographic Analytical Reciprocating Digital Computer. Which can produce clones of people and communicate with the clones through a network. While getting too attached to H.A.R.D.A.C. and the clone of his daughter that H.A.R.D.A.C. created, the scientist loses objectivity and given the machine too much freedom. Where the machine started planning to replace people with his clones.

er… sounds familiar to a certain pilot?

A lot of plots gets re-used. Many times, it’s just coincidence. I’ve written a story (never published) that had a few innovative ideas only to seem like I ripped them off as time goes on.

It’s very Green. All the rage right now. Recycle.

All This Has Happened Before, and it will happen again?

Thanks for the heads up. I was just about to click, “Move thread” when I saw your warning. I think your observation is awesome. Pat of me thinks you have witnessed another, “One of the 21 standard plots” like:

and another part of me thinks no, that is just too awsome. RDM is a hack and stealing material for Batman. I think the latter is a hysterical thot. It is pure evil genius. Steal plots from old cartoons and make new…content…wait a minute, isn’t that exactly what he did with BSG? J’accuse RDM! J’accuse! :smiley:

“Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

I changed the name of the thread slightly to avoid confusion.

while I was watching Heart of Steel, there was a scene early on when Bruce Wayne went to check up on the scientist, and a robot greeted him at the door and allowed him access.

Right at that moment I thought… that’s like that robot from Caprica :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it was amusing that a Batman story before the age of internet shared so much plot with Caprica. But of course, Caprica has a lot more layers. In BTAS, Batman can just barge in an blow up the A.I. and no one feels bad for it. In Caprica they probably gonna have one of those “Data/EMH is a person” talk…

hmm… wait, this is before the Cylon-war… so maybe there will be a Batman who smashes Zoe AI…

There’s a certain theory that goes, for every great idea, 2 people will come up with that same thought at the same time. or something like it. I don’t know how to enunciate this better than to point out that when the concept for Calculus came out, there were 2 great mathematicias who were arguing about who came up with it first… :cool:

Can someone help me out here and tell it better?:o

I think similar thing thing happened to figuring out the structure of DNA was double helix…

I’m not sure about this at the moment, but I think Darwin got his book published just before someone else’s on the same subject.

I think you’re thinking of Alfred Wallace.

Yeah, we like to think that our ideas are unique snowflakes, but usually it’s more like a bunch of us have crested a ridge and are describing what we see.

Bruce Timm/ Paul Dini animated stuff is awsome… I have EVERY one of the Batman/Superman/JL/ and movies specials they have put out. ( Actually I traded in Mystery of the Batwomen and all but the 1st season of Batman beyond ( I like the 1st season for the pilot and the Mr Freeze episode!)

Back to topic… I think that is JUST like caprica… but I also think that the AI to replace a loved one is pretty common. I wouldn’t think that RDM watched the episode then wrote caprica anymore than I think that Lucas rewatched his original trilogy before writeing the prequals!