Monday, 11 April 2011
10 PM Eastern/Pacific
Anybody not wanting to visit Hawaii seeing that paradise landscape?
Frak, wasn’t expecting that McGarrett would fall.
McGarrett is the ney MacGyver.
Oh man, Danno drawing a heart it the air for McGarrett. lol
Heeeeey, if that isn’t Ando from Heroes??!
The “Circle of Life” from drug smugglers. Hilarious!
Chin Ho seems to be the attraction at the family’s home.
Kono finding out the truth about Chin Ho’s past haz me and emotional. Fantastic scene. Plus a LOST shoutout (Whatever Happened, Happened.)
WTH! Danno playing with dead fish at the restaurant!
Holy smokes! That is a complex plot they have uncovered. Although I still suspect there will be another twist.
Rutherford…do you think he is related to Shannon Rutherford?
Why do I get teary eyes now?