Hawaii Five-0 1x16 E Malama

Monday, 7 February 2011
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

Is it only through TV magic, or is Hawaii really such a paradise? The waterfall is gorgeous! :cool:

Guys!! Isn’t “Julie” the over-maniac vampire from True Blood which is Bill’s maker???

Bullet holes in the uniform. These guys are really amateurs with not bringing new clothes and instead using the uniforms of the dead cops!

Hellyeah! Some hairspray/lighter flamethrower action. :smiley:

Ahhh, I was wondering who invented the “Ignore” button. lol

Of course Danno’s ex takes it the wrong way and thinks he is trying to discredit her new husband.
Onto the jungle trail now. And I wanna hear some Giacchino score!

Aaaaand Chin Ho & McGarrett will find a Dharma Station. :smiley:

Steve McRambo on the hunt for assassins. lol

Lifting a big tree for a trap and having to talk Danno out of doing something stupid…not the best situation.

Hahaha, the one guy getting hit by the trunk reminded me of Danielle’s traps.

Julia falling to her death like Jack in the beginning of Season 1? And BTW. That guy is a really bad if he can’t kill her with a clear shot.

Punctured Lung, just like Boone. Yeah ik, I’m overdoing it tonight with LOST references. So far I enjoy this episode a lot.

Scot Caan is OSSIM!! Listening to him discussing the situation with Grace’s stepfather brings a smile to my face.

If DDK really did some of these cross-bike stunts, Chapeau!

Prediction: The “cleaner” will be the attorney Kono talked to at the beginning.
EDIT: Well, I was close.

Yep. That’s Lorena.

I love when he got the call during his hunt.

I’m wondering when True Blood will return. Shouldn’t it be soon this time of the year?