Hawaii Five-0 1x15 Kai e'e

Monday, 14 January 2011
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

I know there are a lot of shows to keep the GWC calender up with, and only a handfull of people watches Hawaii Five-0. But I’ll still keep it up, even when BadgerSpoon or another moderator overlook it.

:smiley: Kono teaching Danno surfing.

And what is McGarrett doing again…of course sleeping with his old navy chick.

This series is awesome. Integrating such an element (even if it is a fake tsunami warning for a crime) into the show, I haven’t seen that in any series.

I SO knew it who McGarrett had in mind to watch over Danno’s daughter!

Mamo is right, as long as the sea water isn’t backing back, there will be no tsunami.

Oh man, Danno still doesn’t get it how a compromised signal could falsify the data.

Huh, McGarrett didn’t go all bananas to get the information out of that woman.

Niceeee! They worked in the drug money which McGarrett used to buy Chin Ho’s life from Barnabas…I mean Victor Hesse.

Do you also enjoy how they managed to get some shots from the cleared out Hawaiian streets and beaches?

What the frak?? I can only think of Wo Fat who might have planted 10 Million back. But why??!

Sorry about that. I didn’t realize it was back last week. I’m setting up threads for the next few weeks.

The TV politics really make it hard to organize when which frak party should be set up. Thanks man.