I love the Boggart scene
You just pronounce it like Ricky Richardo would… “Lucy you are just so 'RAY DEE COE LOOSE!”
The rollar skates is my favorite.
That bobbing clown was scariest…
Nice door…
I could deal with the hot wax dripping on my head during meals if I could have sky like that to look at every night.
I want a ceiling like that though.
Hive mind strikes again!
Tough call.
Only in England would they think that was sporting weather.
Why would you even bother reading a note from Draco?
And here I always thought that C3PO was the ‘Golden Snitch’…
Lucas Breath
Glad to see that’s catching on. (:
Marauder’s Map = GPS
I have a reproduction of that map, its pretty cool.
If I remember correctly it was made by Lupin, Harry’s Father, Black and Scrappers…
Misters Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Betcha I know what people thought Moony meant before they knew he was a werewolf.
Omra, if you’ve been frakking HP, why’d it take you so long to guess the tagline? d:
This is my first HP frak, I completely missed the others I wasn’t paying attention.