Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix 11/12 @ 11 PM ET

Ah ok. I think I was typing. Thanks.

I want that outfit. i would wear it to the meetup.

Frak yall. Gonna watch the next one after credits now. d:

Pre-frakulation hug for you hug


Lucas Breath

I wish I could stay up with you to watch, but I have a wedding shower to go to tomorrow early. Have fun!

Oh I’m just gonna watch and post during the normal frak.

I forgot to feel dread 10 minutes into the movie. Then, came the last 10 minutes…

Frak doesn’t begin to cover it, so I’ll end with:


Ok, this will be new Harry Potter territory for me now.
Have enjoyed the first 4 installations (books and movies) but my interests changed after Goblet of Fire and I didn’t continue the series.
Today I’ll do that by watching Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix.

Harry at a playground…must be a dream.
EDIT: Totally wrong prediction from me. And WTF??! Dementors attacking Harry and Dudley?!

Dudley looks like a vegetable now. :smiley:

Ok, who are the members of Moody’s gang?!

YAY, finally we see Lupin and Sirius Black again. :slight_smile: Missed them since they weren’t in the last one (besides Sirius in the fireplace scene).

God is that a grumpy house-elf!

Wizard town reminds me of the tunnel system in The Matrix Reloaded. lol

Watching Harry’s hearing, I would love to see Lord Voldemort kill them all!! This is the biggest stupidity in wizardworld ever!!

Luna Lovegood, OMG what a silly name. lol Sounds like a pornname. She really is a weirdo…in a funny way.

Is that new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher this idiotic women from the trial? EDIT: Yes

The pink dress, what she has to say etc. screams: “KILL HER!!!”

Oh man! My feelings of aggression against her don’t calm down, but grow stronger and stronger. Is she also that bad in the books? “secure risk-free way” :mad:

Either she is totally brainwashed or she is completely nuts. Hateherhateherhateher!

On the opposite site, Luna Lovegood really knows what is going on and talks some sense into Harry. :slight_smile:

Come on Dumbledore! Smack her in the face!!!

Hell yeah! Finally they are starting a resistance!

It was s clear that Malfoy would end up an Inquisitor. :rollseyes:

Snape’s bedside manner really needs some practice. :smiley:

Helena Bonham Carter! I bet you that she won’t play a friendly character. Hagrid seems to know her.

Why is Dumbledore taking responsibility and is so peaceful??

Looks like Potter Senior wasn’t that nice of a person.

Nice Idea with luring that b*tch into the forest to the giant. :smiley:

So where is the rest of Dumbledore’s army? Or did they all get cold feet? lol

I haz sad. Sirius Black is gone. :frowning:

Have to say, this is by far my most favorite of the movies I’ve watched so far. Hopefully they will strike back faster than before with that Umbridge. That was going on too far.

Yeah, it’s like Billy and Wash all wrapped up in one.

After I heard rumors of his death, I left the Harry Potter Franchise. Even after buying Goblet of Fire in the morning that it came out and reading it all the way to the end.
Back then I wasn’t used to loose characters I like, especially not my favorite of the series.