Harry Potter Forum

Due to popular demand we have created a new and shiny forum dedicated to all things Harry Potter. Like I said when we created the Terminator forum, “As Badger says, ‘As always, the situation remains…fluid’”. If activity in this area dies down we will move all threads into “Other Science Fiction” and close down shop. This gives us flexibility and allows the forum to remain organic and responsive.


Wouldn’t Book Discussions be the place to move the threads to in the event of this forum being no longer needed.

FYI: This forum should be considered general discussion about the Harry Potter Universe/ Wizarding World. (Wizard Rock, JKR, Movies, etc.) The book re-reads that are coming up will still be placed under the Book Discussion forum.



I think it’s a good idea, since we not only have three more movies coming, but also the opening (likely next year) of a whole portion of Universal Orlando turning into tthe Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Which I expect a full report on from the closest GWC’er.