Happy Town 1x03 Polly Wants a Crack at Her

Wednesday, 12 May 2010
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

“You’re dead, but the world keeps spinning.”

Nice lyrics. :slight_smile:

OK, I like my friends and all, but I’m not digging up shallow graves just to prove a point to my inexplicably murderous buddy.

Aw, poor car. :frowning:

Creepy bird. :eek:

“…beautifully unmolested…”

Disturbing turn of phrase there. :eek:

“Do I remind you of a schnauzer?”

Well, now that you mention it… :rolleyes:

He’s the Magic Man! :eek:

Too easy. Way too obvious.

Grandma knows everything. :slight_smile:

Admitted murderer sitting with your family.

You seriously are the worst cop ever. :eek:

“Andrew, I’m afraid you’re under arrest.”

Or at least, he would be, if you hadn’t compromised the crime scene.


“The law applies to everyone in Haplin.”

Except your buddy who drove a spike through an innocent man’s head.

Worst. Cop. Ever. :eek: