I was celebrating with breakfast with Badger, as a matter of fact! Lots of coffee and greasy food–yum!!! He was behaving himself, except for a few seconds. I kept him in line, though.
Thank you–I’m busy avoiding actual Thanksgiving work today!
Maybe they can be fold-out business cards–or brochures!
That is ALL KINDS OF WRONG! EWW, EWW AND EWW. I think I had nightmares about that last night.
you must use your Jedi-like wrangling powers to persuade Master BadgerSpoon NOT to use that for his next avatar.
Ye. Please. I don’t think I could handle that…
You kept me in line? :rolleyes:
It kinda loses something at avatar size.
thank the gods
So, anyone wanna’ guess what I got for my birthday? Huh?? Huh???
Turkey, Mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie?!?!?!?!?!
A day at the spa? A day free of Keara-spawn? A Clutterbag?
I’m late to the party as usual, but happy kinda-late birthday, Keara!
Keara! I’m late to the party too! But happy birthday, and look at your awesome presents - Daniel Craig WET, Lee Adama WET, and… DeathbyTray’s cherries.
So here’s one more present for you, from me: a sharp pin!
[SIZE=“1”][COLOR=“Gray”]Hmm, hope he’s not allergic to latex…[/SIZE][/COLOR]
A cattleprod for your badger-wrangling job, and an Pocket Oxford Dictionary & a copy of Strunk & White’s Elements of Styles, Illustrated, for your dayjob as Grammarcop?
A full day to enjoy your new herd of cylon Lees?
Apricot pajamas? No! Peach? Strawberry! Boysenberry! Wait! Rhubarb!
I’m out…
One of those magnetic car key holders ??
C’mon Keara - don’t keep us in suspense! What did you get?
BSG Season 1, 2, 2.5 and Razor :D:D:D:D
Awesome !
but really, the magnetic car key holder…good idea for you !