Happy Birthday, Uchiha Daisuke!

Happy Birthday, Uchiha Daisuke. May death come quickly to your enemies.

Hey, Happy Birthday to the very animated one!

Happy Birthday, Uchiwawa!!

Felicidades! May there be many more birthdays for you, Uchiha (I thought it was Ushika. I suck!). May your enemies scurry away in horror of your awesome visage, may the mead flow freely as water and may your goats grace in another’s land without fear of retribution. Happy birthday.

…or a stomach bug you catch in this cold season (it just seems more practical)

Happy Birthday!

feliz dia!!

Happy birthday, Uchiha Daisuke!

Thanks Everybody,
I am another year older and another year wiser thanks to everyone here. It has been a blessing being part of this forum. I have learned a lot and been introduced to some really great content thanks to this forum and the podcast. I am looking forward to the upcoming year with this GWC family and no mater what happens in life I always have a place to go where everyone knows my name. Uh, or at least my callsign? :smiley:

hope it’s a great one!

Happy belated birthday!

I’m late but happy birthday my weeaboo homeboy. We should get an anime frak party goin

Happy B-day Davinci!!

Happy happy B-day. Scorpios rule.

Thanks again to everybody. :smiley:

Hey buddy, you are my Scorpio brother from another mother. We are starting off the season well and our buddy Solai joined us also. A couple more and we can start our own gang. :smiley: October Birthdays Rule!!!

I’m late too, but Happy Birthday from me as well.

edit: forgot I’d previously happy-b-day-wished!

Happy really-belated Birthday U.D !!

Alright, there is no way I could top that awesomeness but happy belated birthday anyway. RMHPH will tell you I’m Queen of BELATED Birthday Wishes. :wink: Hope it was a great one!!!