Happy Birthday to The Fair Melissa

Happy birthday to the fairest of them all!

(And don’t celebrate yours like this cartoon duck celebrated his.)


Happy Birthday, FM!

Did you know that when you picture-google “Fair Melissa”, the 20th result is your avatar?

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

…ok, besides Audra.

…Melissa? The Fair Melissa? Woohoo!

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, TFM!

happy happy Melissa

Cake + Presents + Streamers + Funny hats + Your favorite dinner = What i hope is a great day

Happy Birthday, Fair Melissa!!

Happy Birthday Melissa Most Fair. You’re not getting older. Well, at least not as old as this guy:

happy borthday

Happy Birthday Melissa!

A bit late to the party but Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Melissa.

whew, just made it under the wire, but then again depending on where you are I could have 4 more hours. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I did have a great day, although there were no streamers or funny hats or cake. Yes, I count that as a good birthday. :slight_smile:

Now that I’m flush with birthday cash (that’s something that NEVER gets old, by the way), I’m finally going to pick up Season 3 on DVD. Woot!

“Happy Birthday Counselor…
You sure you won’t come back ? I could use a partner. Lot’s of real estate title stuff coming up. A whole planet full, actually.”

Happy Birthday FM !! :smiley:

heeeee-heeeee. FM has a whole different meaning for me. We use that at work to describe the phenomena of computer problems fixing themselves. “Frakking” magic. :smiley:

FM, your middle name wouldn’t happen to be Helena or Hillary or something like that?

Happy birthday, O Fair One!

Belated happy birthday to you, TFM.

It’s always a NEW YEAR!

If it were, then FHM would mean a whole new ballgame… (NSFW)


(missed that top 100 list again! Craaap!)

Hey, I’m late too, but happy birthday, Melissa. Here’s hoping it was a good one!