Happy Birthday Splatterson!!

Well, in that case…

Happy BDay!

Check this out:

Cylon Cake :stuck_out_tongue:

Mmm, Cylon Cake…

Mmm, Cylon cookie:

Happy Solar orbit initialization day.



Happy Brfsday spatterson!! Hope you had a great day!

Yaaaaaaay! Happy B-day Spatterson!! And what is your birthday wish?

Happy Belated Birthday Spatterson65 !!!
You share a B-Day with my just turned 7 year old…I bet he got more Transformers than you !

Happy Birthday, I hope you had a great one.:smiley:

I’m late to the party as usual :confused:

Hope you had a really great day, chica!

May all your birthday wishes come true!

Peace on earth?

Or a meet-up with the trinity within driving distance of my house? :smiley:

I bet he did too! I would have liked Transformers but people (ok, family) look at you funny when you buy toys and have no children. It’s not like I can say they’re for Charlie or Jake, as dogs don’t usually play with toys. Eat, maybe, but now play with. :smiley:

I got some running boards for my truck, a nicer digital picture frame, and some books. And $$ from the parents which will probably go towards fuel for the truck when we go up there next weekend…

Happy Birthday

[b](the Alpaca formerly known as Spatterson.)

[SIZE=6]Happy Birthday Sparky

happy birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Splatterson! Hope it’s been a good one!

I went to the bakery and grabbed a cake for you.

I don’t know who Eric is, but he had good taste. Yay Eric!

Oh and Happy Birthday Splatterson!