Happy Birthday smck40!

Hope you have a great day!

Thank you!!!

Blu-Ray with surround sound acquired…now I need Amazon gift cards I should be getting tonight for BSG on Blu-Ray…and the friends taking me out to the bar…a good night to be had indeed!!!

That is one scary-ass cake…I think I’ll stick to the death by chocolate my sister made :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday smck40!!!

LOL…Cthulhu wanted to surprise you!

I should just be glad he didn’t pop out of the Blu-Ray player…especially after all that time setting up the speakers…

Happy birthday! Sorry so late in posting, but this has been nuts. Hope you had a great celebration. :slight_smile:

No worry I was still being taken out for it last night and even was bought a ticket to a Devils Season ticket holder Christmas Party/Group Game watching event tonight…so I’m still at it…Birthday Week RULES!!! And Jesus only gets a day and an eve…who’s cooler??? :cool: