Happy Birthday ShadowAce!!!

I just wanted to send a shout out to my buddy ShadowAce for his Birthday. I hope you have a great one and here is my suggestion for a party. Girls dress as their favorite cylon and guys dress up as Baltar and you all play “Guess My Model”. That way you won’t get in trouble if you end up with some “numbers” at the end of the night.

Also some words of advice and to live by, if you are ever in a situation and you don’t know what to do just ask yourself one thing, WWRMHPHD (What would RonMooreHasPrettyHair do). Then you do the opposite and all will turn out fine. :smiley:


October is totally the best month in which to be born :slight_smile:

So from one October-born to another - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Happy birthday, ShadowAce! May death come quickly to all your enemies.

lol omg thanks guys. and thnaks uchilla for startin this. yup im um … 13!. so i beleive im youngest here. so ya thanks a bunch and Casilda october is the bomb!! SO SAY WE ALL!!

That’s really good advice. For instance, in this situation, I would completely NOT kick Daisuke’s sorrybarb. :stuck_out_tongue:

Moi aussi. As a Halloween baby I have enjoyed everyone being compelled to give me candy…it is awesome.

Happy Birthday fellow October baby. October babies unite!

Happy 13th!
Congratulations on the successful “w” removal. Now that you’ve made the transition from tween to teen, do you feel and different?
Wiser? Voice changier? Zittier? PG13-ier?
Sheesh. Good luck to you.

Boy, do you know how to throw a wet blanket over a joyous occasion. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the other hand, being able to see PG-13 movies, that’s a pretty important benefit of turning thirteen.

you really think his dad’s made him wait till now to see PG-13 movies when he introduced him to the forum?

Happy B-day ShadowAce!! 13, huh? Alrighty then I raise my Dr. Pepper and toast thee. Hope it was a blast.

After five years or so it gets better.

Then it gets worse.

Hey, Happy Birthday Shadow Ace!

ha ha my voice actually has been deep for like 2 years now. but ya. ive been to rated r’s b4. just the parents had to say ok. ive been in pg-13’s to. because i can pass for 14 lol. and ya. thanks again

Happy birthday, ShadowAce!