Happy Birthday, MissMuffet!

Hey, if Patty Griffin’s a fan, you must be doin’ something right!

Happy birthday indeed! Having met the Ms. at a DFW-area meetup, I can tell all of you out-of-towners that she’s a first class lady.

Happy birthday. May those near and dear not give you one gift for two holidays.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy frakking birthday, Ms. M, wherever you are…

Happy Birthday Missmuffet !!

Have your self a great birthday. I present to you your tuffet

This what orionrobots.co.uk says about Muffet.

Muffet is a dog-like (dagget) robot built for the young boy Boxy in the series Battlestar Galactica when his real flesh and blood one died during a Cylon attack. The creature is actually filmed using a rather intelligent chimp. It is very cute, and in some episodes - most notably the one where there is a serious fire on the Galactica, Muffet is a hero.Muffet is not the most intelligent of robots, in fact it is quite daft. But it is one of the most lovable. It is also quite furry.

This is what I say about Miss-Muffet:

Happy Birthday day, sweetie. You rock, and are definitely not daft.

Thanks everybody!!! This means so much you have no idea. You all are the best internet fan community friends a girl could have! :smiley:

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, MissMuffet!

Happy Birthday MissMuffet!

Happy Birthday! Many, many happy returns!

Have the Greatest day, because its you’re day

many Happy returns MissMuffet!

Happy Birthday MissMuffet. I hope you have more than curds and whey to celebrate with…

So say we all!

Happy Birthday! :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday, Miss Muffet!