Happy Birthday Mactopia !

Starbuck brought the Arrow,
To Athena’s Tomb,
Now go do your homework,
and pick up your room !

Happy Birthday and welcome to “Teenager Land” Elliot !

Happy birthday!
Here’s to youth!
Do you feel older?
Tell the truth!

(I thought it was appropriate to stick with TG’s Seuss-like theme!
Hope you have a great one!)

Happy Birthday Mactopia!

Happy Birthday to a fellow mid-western’er!


go you, now you only need a car

Happy Birthday Mactopia!! Click on this, (but tell Boxy not to click on this— I don’t want him using his powers on me) :http://forum.galacticwatercooler.com/showpost.php?p=46172&postcount=5

wow! b-day on midseason finale night? can’t think of a better way to celebrate

Have a great one!

I feel so loved. Ive been camping for the past week and havent checked the forrum in a while. I come back, and people are honoring me! I feel so lucky!

Happy Birthday!