Happy Birthday Janitorbob !!

Happy Birthday Head Lance!

Hope it’s a great one, my fellow late-night denizen! :smiley:

your boss asked me to give you this–real big spender, that one :smiley:

hope it’s a great one for you!!

[b]Happy 31st Birthday, Jamie!
Ol Hank here wants to know where da party at!

Hope you have a great day, and a great year![/b]

Happy Birthday Head Lance!

Thank you all.

Henry the 8th in a Hawaiian Flowerdy Shirt, LOVE IT!!!

[b]Happy Birthday Jamie!

Go ahead. Laugh. I dare you.
Hope you have a most excellent birthday sir. :smiley:


Happy birthday Jamie!!! :smiley:

Happy Birthday, Jamie!

It just seemed appropriate…

Happy Birthday Jamie! Have a great day!

Happy Birthday Jamie!!

Enjoy this Cocoonlicious cake. :smiley:

Waitaminute… why is there snow on the Death Star?
What’s an LOLCAT doing on Dagobah? Is he Yoda?
Is the snow supposed to be midicholrians?
Where’d the Island go? Is it on the Death Star too?
Didn’t you have a birthday last year?
I don’t understand!!!

Hope your bithday is in GLORIOUS [COLOR=“Yellow”]3[/COLOR] D!!
Happy B-day man!

go get yourself some birthday noms! hope it’s a great day!!!

Happy birthday, sir!!

Happybirthday Janitor Sir-Bob~! :smiley:

PS, JB (aka Johor Bahru) is the Malaysian state just north of me :stuck_out_tongue:

Merry Birthday!


Happy Birthday!!

Thanks Everyone!

Thanks Everyone!

Happy Birthday Jaime!!

I got the Captains together

and wrapped a present for ya.