Happy Birthday GWC!

Or is it Happy Anniversary?

Whatever the case, I am just so glad to be a part of it!

Thanks, Crew, for being there for us through feast and famine!

I will roll with you till the wheels fall off!

And follow along wherever the topics may wander…

sings May the road rise up to meeeet yooo…



Really? That’s awesome - GWC’s birthday is the same as mine!


Go party today. Happy podcasting! Thank you for all of the hard work.

Happy WhateverItIs Day :smiley:

Thanks for all your hard work to make this all happen. You are ALL awesome and appreciated.

2? seems like longer…

Congratulations :smiley:

(does this call for another live podcast?? ;))

Happy Birthday, Most Excellent Assemblage of Wit, Insight, Knowledge, Sillyness, and HighQuality Followers!

You have made my life more fun and enriched it with new friends, both online and in real-life (and soon-to-be in real-life). I can’t imagine how I managed without you.

Wow! That and what has been said pretty much sums it up for me, also.


So say we all.


2 years and counting… don’t ever want to imagine life without GWC. You guys rock!

OSSIM! I find myself doing this dance right along with them! WooHoo!

(I bet you think I’m kidding- I’m NOT!)

Lady D rocks the cool gifs! Wheeee!

PS: what she said!

Wow…uh, I didn’t get GWC anything…


Happy birthdayanniversary!

she’s not


Two Years ! Two! Years!
The Hub’s cheerleading troupe has taught her all the moves !!

Happy Birthday GWC. To Chuck I wish many Excellent Props, to Audra, a giant freezer for all her Cool, and Sean, a dream date with Trinity.

And here’s to all of you, fellow GWC’ers. Thanks for all the fish !:smiley:

wow two years!! happy birthday GWC :smiley:

Happy Birthday GWC!

Two years old already? You barely look 14 months. What’s your secret? :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy 2nd Birthday, GWC. Only 16 more years before you become legal. (yay)

And so begins GWC’s “Age-of-Consent Watch”. :slight_smile:

You know, GWC is maturer than its age might indicate… It maybe only two years old, but I feel like we can really talk, we really connect, you know. After all, what’s age got to do with love?

Ok, I’m even creeping myself out now, I’m gonna stop.

(Cut to a scene with me showing up at an ISP where the forum is hosted, with flowers in one hand and six pack of Mike’s lemonade in the other. In the back room, Chris Matthews is waiting with a hidden camera and a policeman.)

And then you meet “two-year-old” GWC, which turns out to be http://nxoc01.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html, which now works with the police to help catch predators of underage websites. :rolleyes: