Thanks! Sorry the cake is all gone.
Great bumbling snaggletooths!! It’s Gryper’s Berfday!!
Stay cool, Gryper!
Have a Happy Berfday!!
[b]Happy Birthday
Gryper !
Hope your birthday brings d’ohnuts and Duff and other cool stuff
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday Master Mod who is our diligent gatekeeper protecting out hallowed halls from those who would spam us.
Happy Birthday Gryper!
Have a GREAT Birthday Gryper! WOOT!!
Happy Birthday!
Thanks everyone! It’s been a great day!
Hey Gryper, a very belated Happy Birthday !!
Sorry I missed it.
Hope you had a fun celebration.
Happy birthday, Gryper! May this year bring you minimal double Bday-holiday gifts.
Happy Birthday, Gryper!!
Happy Birthday, Gryper!! Thanks for being so ossim!!!
Haha, that is teh OSSIM. Nothing can surpass this graphic!
Happy Birthday Gryper, Forumlord who oppresses all Spambots!
Thanks for the b-day wishes. Spent part of the day with my parents and other members of my family.
OMC Lady D and 'Talos! Saved both pictures for my signature and will rotate them. First up…
Happy Birthday From Me to You
Hope you had a great day, Gryper!
Thank you Perihelion & Gafra!
Happy Birthday Gryper!