feliz dia jersey boy
Happig Gebirthtag!
Or is it “Happisch”?
(about the mongrel German, not the birthday wishes)
Happy Birthday GalaxyRanger!
somewhere in a secret New Jersey location
the party has doubtless already started:D
[SIZE=3]Chris, wishing you a happy 25th birthday. It gives me a chance to break out this picture again! Have an awesome birthday!
Thanks, man. I totally miss being on here too!
I’d rather do the math on the new chick the Doctor’s with. IKYWIM!
Oh yeah, a whole year. Can’t believe it myself.
I move that Bosnia rename its capitol into Jersey.
Doesn’t everybody?
I shall make it so!
Thanks, bro!
Younger than most people, anyway…
Yes and I still resent that notion. Who came up with that in the first place??
grazie mille!
Vielen Dank, mein Herr.
I hadn’t seen that picture before, but it gave me a huge laughing fit, that’s really awesome! thanks so much!
Incidentally, I hope to be able to bring small gifts for all the people who’ll be meeting me in August/September, so if there’s anything you’d like to have, start making a list now - like, German beer, chocolate (Ritter Sport, anyone?, coffee, etc.
Gifts!? From Germany? GR, you are waaay too kind!
Um…can I have Diane Kruger?
Have a IYKWIM birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to our Illustrious First OG, whom we sadly now see only sporadically because he’s forsaken us for a “real” life
Many Happy Returns, dear dear Chris! miss you!
Happy Birthday GR!! Hope you’re having (or had depending on the time difference :D) a great day!!
All hail the Guttermeister!!
Happy Birthday Chris!!
Hope it was a great one.
And how would I fit her into a suitcase?
You know what? Real life sucks. sigh
It was, definitely. And in a NSFW way too!
The weirdest thing: I was given Indiana Jones Lego again - just like last year. Major déjà vu!
Belated Happy Birthday GalaxyRanger!
Happy time-delayed birthday!!!
Happy (So Way Way) Belated Birthday GalaxyRanger !!
Happy although belated Birthday
Happy b-day GR!!
Happy Birthday! Hope it’s Super!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday GalaxyRanger! We miss you around here!
Happy birthday fellow GR! Hope it’s a good one and hope to see you around more : )