Happy Birthday BoxytheBoxed

MEwoot. I can legaly drive wooooooooooooooooooooo. On a compleatly unrealated note only 499 more posts till I become an ‘official’ OG

Happy Birthday!!! :smiley:

Happy birthday, Boxy!

I remember getting my license (since I’m only 24 it wasn’t so long ago that I can no longer recall, like those old farts Frakkintalos and Topgun)-- I waited until I was almost 17 since I wasn’t getting my own car. The first time I drove somewhere on my own the song on the radio as I pulled out of my driveway was “Terrible Lies” by Nine Inch Nails. It was also the summer of the song “Teenaged Dirtbag,” which is an excellent song for driving through a Florida summer.

Congrats Boxy. Let’s see - I got my license when I was 15 (a LOOOOONG time ago) about a year past most others in my class (the state of SD had a “restricted permit” you could get once you turned 14 back in the day!). The nearest test station was 21 miles north of our farm and since my parents both worked 25 miles in the other direction, my driving took a back seat for a while. I still think the only reason I passed my driving test was because the examiner felt sorry for me having to take my test in a full-size van. I didn’t have to parallel park, thank the Gods! My younger sibling had a much better time of it - I took him to take his test. I’m such a nice older sister. :slight_smile:

Better not ask my brother’s opinion on that…

can I have his email. address, SSN, and 2 credit card numbers with both PINs?

On a related note, my parents are willing to buy me nice driving glasses(its Florida, lots of sun) and I was wondering if anyone knew where to find either the Agent Smith glasses or romo glasses.

Congrats, Boxy! This calls for car porn!

Happy Birthday Boxy !!
Sean said that he’d ordered the Romo glasses, didn’t he ?? Why not try Pm’ing him ?
Be safe out there !!

have a great one, Boxy!

happy birthday!
i got my license back on my 16th birthday… it was a Friday, and I had to parallel park a minivan. It was magical.

You can drive? Dear gods as if the threat of cylon apocalypse wasn’t enough, Boxey’s going to be behind the wheel of a motor vehicle! We’re doomed. DOOOOOOMED!!! :D.

Happy birthday, Boxey. And hey, what DID you end up picking for your friend’s “quince?”

Happy Birthday Boxy!!! Congrats on getting your driver’s license. Now you can throw away that fake idea, McLovin!!

Happy Birthday Boxy…now step away from that frakkin box!

happy birthday Boxy!


I ended up with a new shirt my mom picked up last minute

I actually have a friend wo looks a lot like McLovin

Just wondering didi I ever say I could legaly drive with an adult present…hmmmmm the mystery deepens :stuck_out_tongue:

Mom’s are great that way.

So are girlfriends and wives…

I think he’s a bit young for either of those!