Happy Birthday bkitty!

Happy Birthday, Bkitty!

Here’s a cake for you.

Happy Birthday Bkitty!


PS There’s a bunch of good tv & movies that involves schoolbuses…off the top of my head, I’d recommend :

[li]Creepers Jeepers II
[/li][li]Veronica Mars - Season 2

[COLOR=“Cyan”]Meo-mu-meo-meo-meio-meow Meo-mu-meo-meo-mio-meow Meo-mu-mio-meio-bkitty Meo-mu-meio-meo-meo-moew!

Sorry, I don’t speak kitty. I hope nothing gets lost in translation.

Happy Birthday Barb!!! :smiley:

Happy Birthday B!!
[SIZE=“5”]Hope your day was TEH OSSIM!![/SIZE]

Happy Birthday Barb! (I know, but I was ontime on Twitter! :smiley: ) Hope you had your fill of food, friends, and fun!

You, BKitty, ROCK ! Big hug.

And, in case you’re still planning your party, here are some words of advice:


As do YOU, my friend!

breathless thanks! pant Armando! gasp can’t stop dancin’!!!

Thanks, Bunny-man! xoxo!!!

Bunnies!!! Yaaaay! Thanks Raemani!!!

slup-slup! Thanks for the delicious noms, Rach! Ginormous hugz!!!
(you are one of my top favy gingers!)

LOL! …I have the sudden impulse to totally DOMINATE my berfday…

whoa. cake you can drive, man! WOO-HOO! All aboard!!!

Thanks CM! I also love the end of Ferris Bueller movie! classic!

I understood perfectly, and I’m touched. Thanks so much, Da Vinci!!

You have just assured that it was! And I LOVE toast!!!

You were, sir!

I didn’t call for clearance, as I was too full to fly!
(and you wouldn’t want to have been in the raptor after that dinner! lol!)

Thanks so much to all of you!

The only ones missing were my GWC family!
(except for the wonderful D!)

Belated Happy Birthday Bkitty! Sorry I missed the party. Gods damn job keeping me offline too much!

Thanks so much! I’m glad work is starting again so I can have more ‘me’ time! lol!

Thanks! Wish I could frak with you more!

Thank you! Love reading you in the fraks!

Movies that involve schoolbusses? Bachelor Party, Nightmare on Elm St. 2.

Wow! So sorry I missed this! Happy Birthday BKitty. This place would not be the same without you here.

Kitteh!! I’m sorry I’m late to this thread - but I sure didn’t forget you!

Chuck and I hope you had a wonderful b-day and we loves you lots!! Mucho squishy hugs!!

(Kitteh on the Friday before vacation!!)

So sorry to miss your birthday !
Happy happy birthday bkitty
Hope it was good day!

It’s time again to …

Wish Happy Birthday to Bkitty!!!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!

I would definitely play that if it would be made! :smiley:

Happy birthday bkitty

I have to say it, but bkitty makes me think Molly Ringwald.

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a nice sunny day…

…and CAKE!



Have a swell one!

hope you haz a happy one, Miss Kitty!