Happy Birthday Apollymy!

This is like the 7th time Emily got the best of me. Will I ever learn? (No, no I won’t.)

I only clicked it because if it hadn’t been a RickRoll I’d have felt bad for not clicking through!

Happy Birthday again. Next time I get to get stupid drunk and you get to drive.

P.S. I still owe you 27 spanks!

Yeah, she must have cast some kind of spell of gullibility. After being RickRolled for the sixth time, I see another YouTube link from her, and I think to myself “Hey I wonder what this could be. Let’s click and find out!”. What is wrong with me? (Don’t answer that, we haven’t got the time.)

What?! I think the first one counted for at least 5! I can still feel it!

Clearly, this requires further discussion. We demand details. Or pictures.

Fine then by that logic I still owe you 6 because 27 isnt divisable by 5

apollymy and I go way back and I was her DD on her birthday

I told you we celebrated my birthday Saturday! Head Lance was one of the group that went out. He gave me a few spanks for my birthday, and it hurt!
And as far as I know, there are no pictures of that… :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this a common tradition in Ohio, the spanking of birthday girl? :smiley:

Only when copious amount of alcohol are in involved and the birthday girl is a masochist

You’ve never heard of birthday spankings?!? :eek:

Good grief! First day on the forum and you’re giving away all my secrets! :smiley:

What are friends for especially friends that know you well

OK, I’ve obviously been slack, but I didn’t realise we had a birthdays section now! I’ve only been keeping an eye on the off topic section. I’m so sorry!

That self-flagellation over, may I say I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Been great chatting with you on twitter recently.

Aw, it’s ok! And, thank you! I did have a nice day. I too love having twitter conversations with you. It’s nice to get a glimpse into the daily lives of so many people!

Glad the feeling is mutual. You’re a top chick

This reminds me of the relationship Badger & I have…sorta…no spanking involved. That would be way ewwww.

Yeah, Head Lance and I have known each other for, hmmm, 13 years. (Gawd! 13 years!) And our group of friends is… kinda touchy-feely, I guess you could say. shrugs

Thanks, Topgun! The pants strike again! :smiley: