Happy 5th Birthday GWC!

On this auspicious occasion I wanted to create a central place for everyone to share their thots, favorite moments, well wishes and memories from the last 5 years.

Happy Birthday GWC!! Can’t thank you enough for all the friends i’ve made, new things I’ve seen and the overall OSSIM that is you.

Happy frakkin Birthday!! WOOT!!!

Happy birthday to a cast that has improved my life. Thanks to the podcast that gave me a whole new set of friends.

Celebrating over 500 hours of podcasting goodness… this month alone!

First post, long time listener.
I started watching BSG around season 3 and quickly found this podcast. It made watching that show so much more fun. Since then I’ve loved listening to the evolution of GWC. I rarely miss a week.

Favorite things about the show: Audra rapping/snarking, Chuck steering everything back on course, Sean dropping the geek knowledge.

Happy Birthday GWC!

Oh Crom! Where do you start?

It all began when I typed Battlestar Galactica podcast into iTunes. Little did I know, 5 years later, I’d be still listening week-after-glorious week to the most OSSIM folks in the podcasting realm, forming bonds and friendships I didn’t think possible in a virtual environment, sharing ideas and merriment with an amazing community, and learning tons of knowledge about all things geek.


OK. Solai. Please make the check out to frakkintalos, that’s 2 k’s you frakker!

I called this on, but will share here as well: about four years ago I like many others was hungry for more BSG content. I searched for Battlestar Galactica, found Galactica Watercooler. I then saw they had over 60 eps in the can and ran away screaming. A few months later I searched again, found the podcast again and decided to listen to one. One became two, and then I downloaded all of them and listened to them over the span of a few weeks. I remember vividly going to the website and searching for a forum to share my thots and being confused when there was none. I would comment on the blog but wanted to find different ways of contributing. Over time those was of contributing manifested themselves et voila, here we are.

I think my favorite memory was walking through the streets of NYC with Chuck and Audra and saying to them, “You know, we are close to where 'Talos works, we should give him a call…” and three seconds later we bumped into 'Talos. All of the NYC meet ups have been fun with Stevie and Tony and our various crowds. Watching the parent have the child scale the boulder in Central Park, sending GWCers off to fend for themselves in Whole Foods, drinking at noon…good times!

Thank you again to Chuck, Audra and Sean for being the catalyst of something greater than the sum of its parts. What has grown into a community has transformed into a family. With our Friday night Google hangouts we have discovered a new way of being with people who we sincerely care about and want to spend time with.

So say we all. <slow clap>

I also found Galactica Watercooler’s podcast by searching on iTunes for Battlestar Galactica podcasts. And I’m so glad and lucky that I did. Loved the cast and crew from the beginning. And I’m thankful for all the good friends I’ve made via this community that the crew have built.

Thank you Chuck, Audra and Sean for all the hours of entertainment, for your friendship, and for creating an environment where we can all enjoy our geekiness together as one big happy alpaca family. :smiley:

Happy 5th Birthday GWC!

I have to say that I wouldn’t be the person I am today without the cast, the forum, and the outstanding people of GWC. I came her during a dark period in my life and I just couldn’t see a way out it. Chuck, Audra, and Sean’s positive outlook on everything, even the bad stuff, kept me going. The great people of GWC gave me a reason to go on. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GWC!

I found the cast in the same way- searching for a BSG podcast in iTunes. I looked forward to downloading a new episode each Monday after BSG would air. (I still miss BSG, sniffle).

I was hesitant to get on the forum for a long time, and did not attend the first meet up (which I now regret). I have made new friends on this site, which is a pleasant surprise that I never anticipated. It is wonderful to talk with other geeks, and I have been introduced to many new things I may not have ever found on my own through GWC.


As a result of a rather tumultuous week/end, I wasn’t able to call in my thoughts, thanks and adoration, but I did hammer out an email to the Crue which, in retrospect, is just as well shared here in the Forum that first drew me in to the GWC orbit some four-plus years ago…so apologies for the repetition, Chuck, Audra and Sean, but as I was just tweeting with Apollymy this morning, listening to the comments and shared memories in the latest 'cast was not only heart-warming, but a surprisingly emotional moment for me…for us…and I actually had to stop listening for ten minutes or so as I neared the office, so as to have a bit of composure as I entered the building. That said, here was the gist of the message to our Triumvirate of Geek-Chic:

[LEFT][FONT=courier new]Sean, your comments in the latest 'cast regarding the strange sense of calm you feel when around the GWCers, when you really haven’t (or still don’t) feel that around other gatherings of people? Spot on, sir. I know I came into the mix about a year into your efforts, around 2008, then disappeared for some time for a myriad of reasons, only to return within the last few months, but honestly? It was like coming home from travel abroad, and after the initial “welcome back” sentiments were expressed, everything clicked back into place as if the conversation(s) were simply paused, only to resume again.
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You all – and by “you”, I of course refer to the three of you, but also the collective community – are an extended family that I believe are stronger and more stable (ha!) than many blood families, and that’s because of the diversity, the geographic spread, the collective commonalities AND differences that make for such a cohesion. Consider it a mixed-media work, or an architectural component that gains its quality from the fact that it utilizes the individual best properties of the diverse substances within.
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I’m getting long-winded, but that’s par for the course. Keep doing what you do, become more adept for every obstacle you overcome, hold fast to those who care about you, and wish the best to those who don’t. We, the complex and scattered points of light that make up the GWC galaxy, are always grateful for everything you do and every minute of time you spend on our behalf – we appreciate you, we thank you, and we love you for it.
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So say we all.

If the GWC crue are in any doubt of their contribution to some of our lives, remember that the sheer awesomeness of their 'cast is felt around the world. As possibly the most far flung regular downloader let me confirm that the coolness extends EVERYWHERE the interwebs exist.

Thank you guys, it’s been quite a ride. I can only hope to make it to a meetup one day, shake your hands and share an ale or two.


Have only been listening for about a month, and the birthday show pretty much pulled me in. Your clear freindship, and awesome community is something i’ve not seen online before. But I look forward to your future shows, and maybe if I figure out this sstem you have setup of social communications. (I know of forums, pretty straight forward. But hardly ever got into it enough to understand it as a valid way of communicating.) Anyway, that aside I started listening on stitcher. Eventually moving onto your website where I watched (listened) from the crowd your great show. Many more birthdays to you and yours with my eventual support coming soon. A show like yours deserves the love I hear from your community. Maybe in the future, mine too…

I cannot say it better. Don’t think anyone could.

Keir, I also took a long break from GWC while I was going through a tough time. Coming back was like coming home. And it reinforced for me that while I might drop off the face of the earth for weeks on end with family and friends in town, I don’t want to stay away from GWC for that long again. You’re like my Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter, and if you don’t already know how I feel about Justin’s check out my twitter or ask GalaxyRising. Basically, it’s a whole lotta love.

Long time listener and I have to admit the birthday episode finally got me saying “I should finally register.” Happy Birthday!

!!! So Say We All !!!


Happy 5th Birthday, GWC!

Chuck, Sean, Audra, Juan, Solai, dxFerris, Gryper, Casilda and everyone else - enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So say we all!

As good a time as any to join in…welcome to the forum MysteryBrother!