Han Shot First

OK. Now I’m really confused.

This is like Dan Quayle wearing a “Potatoe” shirt.

Share your thots on this and your feelings about ‘Han Shot First’.

Han shot. Period. Greedo never fired.

Lucas… is one conflicted dude.

Lucas finally converted to he Light Side of the Force.

Han shot first, before Greedo could. That’s as set in stone as the deliciousness of chocolate.

Greedo - “I’ve been looking forward ot this for a long time”
Han" Yes, I’ll bet you have" BAM!


It established his badassery…which lasts to this day

I think the shirt is just his enjoyment of the whole debate/conflict thing. Irony =)

I still have my VHS set of the trilogy in which Han shot first. If only I had a vcr. Unfortunatley my son has only seen the wrong version, need to educate him on what really happened.

My God but that man has a belly… Han looks like he is reclining on a Chaise lounge! :eek:

“Han Shot First” in FX’s show Justified season 2 promo.
(Great show. Ya’ll should watch it. :smiley:


Lucas is a guy that has a good sense of humor. He’s just trying to count how many time you can buy the same movie before you stop buying. Then he will give you what you want :wink:
Joke aside there was a nice DVD that came out a couple of years ago with the original version on the second disc. Could be god to educate de youngling.

Lucas perfected the method fillers by Peter Jackson and everyone else putting it new “directors cuts” every two years…minor changes as major additions…

“what’s different about this version?”

“we put it in a different box.”

TeeFury shirt for today:

That would be an awesome tat.