HAM Radio

Kind of surprised that no one else has brought up probably the geekiest of hobbies, HAM radio. Anyone out there into it? I do have my license (Tech) but still don’t have a radio :frowning:

I’ve been looking into this for a while now but the equipment is pretty expensive. and i’m homer Simpson when it comes to Tech but i’m still interested maybe later when i’m rich and and famous

Its a whole Pump up the volume thing

Yes, I hold my Technician class license. I have since 1995. I cannot operate much equipment at the moment due to dwindling personal finances.

I’ve had mine for some time (WD4IFR) but haven’t done anything with it for a long time.

Hope to finally get a portable setup in time for Dragoncon. Figure that might work better for coms than cell phones.

Got my Callsign(KB8ZZS, was a tech plus before they did away with that class) when I was 15, and probably havn’t really touched a rig in several years.