GWC's little cylon's first birthday

Stroggie/Glimfeather just reminded me that I had failed to post photos of Elena’s birthday party. These are courtesy of my wife.

Elena’s cake:

Elena eats her cake (she didn’t much care for it. Give her till December, though):

Well, she’s evolving. Pretty soon she’ll rebel. So far, there’s only one copy though:

Finally, this is the playdough cake Elena’s big sister made for her:

This food is problematic.

Wow, I can’t believe she is a year old already.

Seems like just yesterday I had figure out Gimp (like Photoshop) enough to make this:

Wow what a differnce a year makes.

Happy Birthday to little Elena

All I can say is CUTE.

No kidding, huh? Apparently she’s even above where she should be developmentally, exhibiting behaviors that are right with her chronological age, rather than her developmental age (according to her doctor this evening, anyway). Woot!

That is awesome news!!! I knew she would overcome the rough start to life she had.

You know now that you have moved to DC we really do need to get a meet-up in that area going.

Indeed. Right now Pike and I have scheduled a small meet up over coffee late Friday morning after I’m done teaching. Obviously for you and the rest of the Philly crew it would take a bit more planning than what we’ve managed with (and hopefully this time there won’t be any setbacks like the last time we planned a meet up, which ended up getting called off because of a certain someone deciding she just HAD to be born), but yeah, we HAVE to.

I also really, really would like to have a frak party for the season 4.5 premiere, whenever that might be. I hate to think that BSG might come to an end and I will not have had the experience of sharing it with other fans in real time.

Cute, Cute and more Cute.
This is a cylon with a Plan!

This will always be my favorite pic of Elena, Armando. I hope to meet her someday during our 30 year GWC reunion !! In the meantime, I’m completely up for an East Coast meetup for season 4.5, just give me some notice.

mine too. I love that picture. after all the anxiety surrounding Elena’s early entrance into this world, it was a joy to behold

Thanx for sharing Elena’s progress with us, Armando. She is a true inspiration, a beacon of hope and joy.

That being said, it’s difficult to think of her as a cylon.

Rock on, ELENA!!

You guys do realize you’ve never even met me. Never been in the same room with me. Never even heard my voice (or Elena’s–though I think you can hear my voice on some archival radio stuff online, somewhere).

You guys rock. Where’s a teary-eyed smiley emoticon when you need one?

What a beautiful little girl, Armando! Having a little one in my family who also decided to make her entrance early (10 1/2 weeks early in Kiley’s case), I know how much those milestones can mean. Happy Birthday, Elena!

What a gorgeous little girl Armando!

Great pix. She’s a sweety. As far as whether most of us have ever, technically, met you or not… For my money, your first updates on your little fighter of an early-arrival newborn – I think those were the moments when the new GWC forum stopped being just a message board and started becoming a community.

Glad to hear the updates. Keep 'em coming. The good guardians will keep the spambots away from your little one.

She is one beautiful little girl, you are blessed to have that sweetie you your life :slight_smile:

Girl’s supposed to be some kind of a genius… can’t even figure out how to eat an ice-planet! :smiley:

She is just adorable, Armando. Congratulations on a happy, happy occasion! Just awesome.

My little nephew is a few month away from his first birthday, and I’m already contemplating his birthday gift. I’ve never thought this early for someone’s birthday gift before, ever. Not girlfriends, families, not even mine. I think I love this crapping monster more than I love anyone in the world right now. It’s sickening to think that I’d love someone so much more than I love myself (and I really do loooove myself), but what can I say, he’s frakking adorable.


BTW, what’s a good birthday gift for a one year old?

The bolded is so true.

For those who have had the opportunity to meet others from this form know that everyone is like old friends when we do get together.

So whether we know each other face to face or just as avatar’s or screen names we are all part of a community, not just a posters on an online forum.

AWWWWWWWWWW! Look at her little baby - I mean cylon - ears! They’re so cute.