GWC Seeks Community Bloggers!

Allrighty, I think I’ve set up everyone who PM’d me but if you didn’t get a reply from me today with access and what you needed to get started then hit me again and I’ll take care of it :slight_smile:

Rock on!

Holy crap, everyone. If you haven’t checked out John’s AWESOME blog post today re: 8 Foreign Genre Films Worth A Look, head over there right now. It’s a great source for one’s Netflix queue.

And hey, if you get a chance – and you enjoyed this post as much as I did – scroll down to the bottom of the post and Digg it. I submitted it already, 'cause I think a lot of people will enjoy this.

We also have some really quality posts in edit right now. There’s more to come.

Have you submitted your latest? :slight_smile:

So I read through the wiki and I’m interested in doing a column? Blog? Whatever you want to call it. It’d likely be comic and/or video game related. I had an idea about picking 5 of the comics that come out that week that I’d recommend. Format wise I guess it’d be similar to the 8 foreign scifi/fantasy films list by John. I’m not really sure which of the Post Guides formats that follows exactly though. It’s Just Cool maybe?

I think it would be fun to do a 40K game against you and write up a report and do a really fancy blog about it where we explain every aspect of it. (just requires you to come out here-life prevents me from going out there.)

So anyway-write a quick article on the Mechwarrior trailer. I want your thoughts (me excited).

I’d totally be down for that if I didn’t just own a single Dark Eldar warrior squad that’s half put together XFD. I need money before I can make my Raven Guard

Wow. It’s another kick-SB day on the blog. We published lots of great stuff written over the weekend – five posts, including news, literature, science fact, and all sorts of fun stuff. I’m just blown away.