GWC Podcast #99

Highlights: We question just whose death Kara is the harbinger of, kid about the large cylon-to-human ratio of people in the raptor visiting the basestar, wonder how the episode’s Six-on-Six action worked in filming, note the continuation of vocal GWCers names showing up in BSG — Pike, now Emily — discuss Athena’s assertion of her cylon nature — and great mini-speech to the eights — wonder what badness will go down when they unbox three and she tells them who the final five are, love Nana Visitor’s appearance, suffer through hearing Chuck sound like a drunk orangutan because he has a cold, and announce podcast #100: a live podcast at noon CT Saturday, May 17th, 2008. If you’re in (or can be in) the Dallas area, join us later that night for a Podcast #100 party at our favorite local bar. (We’re regulars.) Check the GWC forum for details.

Yay, podcast! Downloading now…

But I’m so bummed that I’m going have to miss the live 100th podcast. I’m graduating on Saturday, and I don’t think I can slip my laptop under my commencement robes. Boo…:frowning:

podcast goodness for a quite Saturday night. Oh my, that’s awesome.

Thanks for giving me something to listen to while I work on this god forsaken, education licensure portfolio!

The new phonebook’s here! The new phonebook’s here!

<<wriggling like spaniel>>

squeeee!!! :smiley:

oh, sweetie, I’m sorry. the hoops one must go through to become an educator. if only they bore any relevance to the actual job

You can say that again. Four more history exams and then hopefully I’ll graduate in June and can finally become an educator myself. I could bitch all day about how much I’m on my last legs already … but then I think about Gaeta who got shot by Anders and that’s so much worse and then I get this incredible urge to bitch about Anders and what a prick he is…

Edit: Did I mention that I’m pretty much done with Anders?

Gaeta the Pirate! I was trying so hard (and miserably failing) not to laugh out loud that I think the girl next to me thought I was having a seizure.

RE Sean’s comment on it being a not good sign that Roslin seems to be taking Baltar’s religion seriously:

RDM is evil. Wonderfully ironic, but evil. I believe one of the major criticisms of Roslin in the first couple episodes this season voiced in the 'cast and on the boards (myself included) was that Roslin was frighteningly closed-minded and way too hung up on her destiny as the Dying Leader. I said I hoped something would call her grim certainty into question, make her more open-minded, and something did; in the final scene with Adama, she not only admits that there are things happening that she doesn’t understand, and seems okay with that, but her comment that they’d find Earth “together” implies that she’s not even so certain she’s the Dying Leader destined not to see Earth anymore. However, irony of ironies, that “something” that opened her mind was, at least in part, Baltar spouting lots of metaphors and hoping a couple of them stick. Be careful what you wish for, eh?

Not sure if anyone else has posted this, but since Chuck was so into the custom built R2D2s, Buzz Out Load mentioned this

It is two products based on the R2 design. One is a web came that really move around. Another is a R2 with a DVD player and projector built into it and it also can move around. I have no idea what the price is, if it is above $5 it to much for me, but it is just cool.

Keep up the great work guys.

PS, if only the GWC meet-up in SF was a Friday later I would have been there, but I had to go see Duran Duran in Concord that night. Maybe next time. :slight_smile:

I’m just waiting for there to be a Leon or a Kensington. I’m thinking a random Quorum of the 12 member of a newsreporter. Thought I wouldn’t be against a viper jock…

I just wonder how they would put in FireBreathingChicken?

Hey all

re The Sharon being shot - I don’t think it could have been Boomer - isn’t she with Cavil on the other side of the civil war?

I found this episode especially intense and impressive. Really delivered after a couple of so-so episodes


Define “so-so”. Each episode has been great so far. After such a crazy time with no new BSG these episodes are exciting. Then again, I kinda had the feeling last night that something was missing in the episode but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Perhaps we’ll see that next week with Athena apparently as Psycho-Mom.

So-so meaning they didn’t leave the impression on me the others this season have so far, didnt feel as satififed at the end - that being said this is my favorite season so far overall.

Cool. This was a good episode last night. This story’s wind up to a climax looks to be great.

I thought this was an amazing episode - my only “complaint”, if you can call it that - was with the Anders storyline - I kept waiting for something to happen - some sort of feeling of familiarity coming from him, some sort of subtle recognition from the centurion - I mean, hey, his eye did glow RED in the season opener after all - but it was like he was just another human . . . I think they could have played on this angle a little more.

ALSO - and this is truly nitpicky - after he almost put his hand in the data stream and then Starbuck called his name he said “I think I’d better stay here” - leading me to believe that everyone left him and he was alone or semi-alone near the data stream port - so what happened? Didn’t he try to interface? Otherwise what was the point of the line “I’ll stay here” - it would have made more sense if he had just followed her, if nothing was going to happen afterwards?

So, I think the way this story is probably going - After everyone else realizes the final 4 are Cylons they’ll do a big story arc about how the final 4 know the way to earth - they just don’t realize they know - they’ll have to discover it - but it is buried in their consciousness somewhere.

You gotta leave something to wonder about between episodes! I would imagine the B-Story next week will have the revealed four having yet another closed door meeting.

Wasn’t there a whole lot of killing and dying going on? Or was that before?

Sam and the Goo Stream was before everybody got their killin’ on. Sam trying to stay behind helped get Jean Barolay killed.

Every myth’s got one of those, usually referred to as a dragon. Since the prize here is Earth, look for the FireBreathingChicken on the space shuttle orbitting Earth listening to Dylan.

Now if there is a herd of alpacas somewhere, we’re in it deep. What ship would handle agriculture, though?