GWC Podcast #93

I think my brain just exploded with that one. This whole subject is very flattering and very embarrassing. I have seriously never had anyone comment on my voice before. You are very sweet and kind. Thank you.

Going to go with: “No.” Can you imagine…all of these people following me around asking, “Can you say Passport?” or “Say ‘Full impulse power!’” and giggling.

That. Is. Classic. Thank you ThotFullGuy. Brilliant. Truly.

I just gotta say… I LOVE Solai’s little bouncing blue face, bkitty’s virgo siggy, and Thot’s re-enactment of the Founding Fathers. Oh yeah, and the Count counting down the days till Galactica. I have nothing more to add except SWEET!

yeah, that was my photo for the caption contest you couldn’t remember whose it was during the podcast Audra. Well here it is. Hmm-mmhmm-hmmmmm Toasty!

,y’know…one thing that the Final Five seem to have that the other seven don’t…ability to age. Tigh is a perfect example of this…he’s been Bills best friend for 30 years and there was a flashback after Adama got shot that showed a younger Tigh meeting and talking to Adama.

This also means that maybe the Cylons were much further along with the whole human/cylon development after the first cylon war than previously thought - since Tigh has been in the service for 30 years…

which makes the “final five” not all that final. In fact, they would logically be the predecessors of the current human/cylons.


You know, we just can’t seem to shake the whole “Blue skin/green skin” conversation.

I am pretty sure the entire GWC crew must have loved the Smurfs. :smiley:

My theory which will likely be blown apart in oh, about 4 days or so is that the final five are decedents from human/Cylon hybrids from the time of Kobol. Maybe the “gods” or “lords of Kobol” have something to do with the creation of artificial life way back prior to the exodus from Kobol. This would explain why they can age because unlike the other Cylons they actually were born and have a biological origin, but some how they have inherited some form of Cylonness that was redeveloped during the Colonial incarnation of Cylons. I don’t really have the specifics worked out, obviously…

So this live podcast thingy, any chance you could make a recording of it in progress and upload it in the usual way. There are a some of us who have no chance of watching the episode live and but would still to here some of the fallout after we get a chance to view the episode. Thanks in advance.

A thing about the quarter bets. I’m going to put this is spoiler tags because it’s something from one of the trailers a while ago and I’m sure there are people who avoid trailers like the plague

[spoiler]Sean (if you choose to read the spoiler section), were you trying to pull a fast one regarding the bet about Starbuck in the brig. Wasn’t there a scene in one of the trailers with Starbuck in the brig screaming something like “YOU’RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!”. Maybe you didn’t see the trailer. If you did and were laying a trap, bravo it was a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel. You got no takers though, that would hav been funny[/spoiler]

Now regarding the someone dying, I think it’s reasonably likely that an Ensign Ricky type charachter will die. There was a debate on wheter cylons count. I could understand the humanoid cylons counting, raiders are kinda organic so I guess they “die”. But what about centurians, I don’t think they “die”. When it comes to discussions like these it’s very important to define the terms completely.

Anyone want to bet a quarter on Colonial One going BOOM?

LOL, Magnus I may be quiet and talk slow but I can sneak a clever one in every now and again :wink:

My prediction on Laura and Lee that I’d like to add as I’m listening to the podcast is that Roslin is going to wind down her political influence as she becomes sicker this season. At the same time her importance as a religious figure is going to re-emerge as she channels more Earth and Hera related prophecy. This is where I think the opening will come for Lee to emerge as the political leader he seems to be well suited (no pun intended) for. Who know’s Laura may even become clear headed towards the end, forgive Lee and endorse him as the next president.

That being said, I’m a little worried where this may be headed because in the webisodes associated with Razor, it was specifically pointed out that Doral insisted on Lee presence at the Galactica decommissioning ceremony. I hope there isn’t too much to Lee than meets the eye…

The live podcast is a great idea. If its a success and you plan on repeating it, is there any chance that the live-cast could be on Saturday or later on Friday so those of us on the West Coast can participate? We won’t be done seeing BSG until 1 am Central.

Is it also going to be posted as a podcast?

I think the final five, prehapes, reincarnated into humans. They wanted so badly to be humen, instead of destroying humanity, they became human. Maybe they created the seven models, and saw their hate, and decided they had a different plan. hat if the fifth cylon, who I believe to be starbuck or hotdog, is the Cy lon god?

But rather if the final five cylons plans are for good, or evil, I can not be certain.

Her’e an idea. What if Adama turns into the way Roslin was in season one, and what if Roslin goes deeper and deeper into…ugh…bad things? What if Roslin and Adama both die, and Helo gets to be commander! And then Helo leads us toe earth!

And, heres an idea for people in the Pacific time zone. What if once we wrap up the podcast, everyone is unmuted, and we can just chill,c hatter for awhile, and wait for the pacific dudes to come in, thus, allowing even more chatter. It’d be like the after after party GWC: The LAte hours, and what happens when the recorder turns of dundundun

Then again, I think Pacific timers might still have a cahcne to be on the gwc . We’ll be starting around 7:45 your time. I’m sure Audra, Chuck, and Sean will have nough to tlak about for a good two hours, then we just line up all the pacific timers in a qoueue, and then they tlak for two hours. Then we all fall asleep on our keyboards.

Then we can play the game…if your the last person in the client, i will drawl you a picture…of a pony…on fire lol

Thanks Audra. The Podcast and the Forum are so much fun. It’s fun to sometimes add a little entertainment right back.

Audra’s comment about the final four having originally heard the music back when they were born (?) in their tubs of goo seems on the money! It reminded me that when Anders and Chief talked on the flight deck about what they were hearing, they both said it was like something you heard in your childhood but couldn’t quite recall.

My fun speculation for today is to nominate Rolo Lampkin as the Final Fifth. He’s just odd enough and mysterious enough and obliquely wise enough to be more than human. Like Bro Cavil, when everyone else is getting all worked up, Lampkin is cool as a tub of goo.

Creepy thought of the day: could Starbuck’s return/resurrection have something to do with that ovary the cylon(z) liberated? We know they can transfer their own consciousness from one body to another, what if they ovary-cloned her and loaded the clone with a copy of her memories they copied while they were stealing the ovary?

That thought REALLY just creeped me out!

At first I thought about how the final 4/5 seem to be different, in that they can age (proof of this from seeing flashbacks of Adama and Tigh, with Tigh in brown hair), but one thing just popped into my mind, how long have we really seen ANY of the magnificent 7 skinjobs live? The longest survivor was probably Boomer, she is easily the longest survivor once the show started (she lasted from the miniseries until she got Jack Rubied in Season2… hehe… that term STILL makes me laugh). Most cylons we see get killed off pretty quickly. Take Leoben, how can we tell if he can age? Every time he enters a room, Roslyn airlocks him or Starbuck stabs him with a pair of chopsticks/knifes him!

Remember when Lee destroyed the Resurrection ship? Remember seeing all those Six models flowing into space? How much time did those inert storage models get to age?

Maybe ALL cylon models have the potential for aging, it’s not like the models show no growth at all. Just look at Boomer/Athena, we’ve seen Sharon’s hair change length, there were times when it got longer and longer, well, that’s growth and given enough time to live, we might get to see some sort of aging effects as well… as long as no one kills her off any time soon, like I don’t know, Helo putting a bullet in her belly.

Maybe they made the age in the seven models based on wisdem. In other words, Cavel is supossed to be the weist, he seems o be te leader, so he is the oldest. I think he knows that the final five exsis, and maybe he knows that, if my theory is right, the ifnal five left them and turned humen…litteraly. He’s the guy who told the cylons not to alk about the final five. Not to mention, he’s the gu who really hasn’t lost sight of the cylon’s real mission to destroy humankind (well…eh…doral and simon are just…doral and simon)

Cavel is still the only person stanidng around saying that their still robots. HHe probalbyw ants to keep the final five udner wraps, but ocne htier revealed, their might be a split between the cylons.

I wonder…could it be that the Cavil model dates from the same period as the Final Five, but he alone decided to stay with the machines?

THAT is a cool thought! That would help explain his hardline attitude, and feeling of distance we get between his model and the others. So would he be the only skinjob who is actually trying to follow the ‘original plan?’ And perhaps he’s got more pull as far as controlling the centurions, so the others defer to him out of fear?

That’s my thought.
