I think the final five, prehapes, reincarnated into humans. They wanted so badly to be humen, instead of destroying humanity, they became human. Maybe they created the seven models, and saw their hate, and decided they had a different plan. hat if the fifth cylon, who I believe to be starbuck or hotdog, is the Cy lon god?
But rather if the final five cylons plans are for good, or evil, I can not be certain.
Her’e an idea. What if Adama turns into the way Roslin was in season one, and what if Roslin goes deeper and deeper into…ugh…bad things? What if Roslin and Adama both die, and Helo gets to be commander! And then Helo leads us toe earth!
And, heres an idea for people in the Pacific time zone. What if once we wrap up the podcast, everyone is unmuted, and we can just chill,c hatter for awhile, and wait for the pacific dudes to come in, thus, allowing even more chatter. It’d be like the after after party GWC: The LAte hours, and what happens when the recorder turns of dundundun
Then again, I think Pacific timers might still have a cahcne to be on the gwc . We’ll be starting around 7:45 your time. I’m sure Audra, Chuck, and Sean will have nough to tlak about for a good two hours, then we just line up all the pacific timers in a qoueue, and then they tlak for two hours. Then we all fall asleep on our keyboards.
Then we can play the game…if your the last person in the client, i will drawl you a picture…of a pony…on fire lol