GWC Podcast #87


I’ve been hard at work trying to make “chuff” happen. Anyboo, I’ve found these to add to my chuff fetish.

Very interesting.

I had no idea.

Need not apply

the quality of the podcast threads is a rollercoaster ride. in the #86 thread, we had

An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself.

and now it’s down to chuff… we do need new episodes…

I like to think of it as well-rounded. I promised myself I wouldn’t make an a$$ reference.

don’t hold back, be my guest. but the word honorificabilitudinitatibus has to appear in the same sentence.

This forum is well-rounded like Dualla’s a$$, which is Honorificabilitudinitatibus. Blue Ribbon, baby!!

I nominate that for the new GWC t-shirt.

“These go to eleven.”

Armando, just more proof that we’re all moving toward a crushing singularity. :slight_smile:

as long as our body clocks don’t start synchronizing, that’s fine with me… I can’t afford a permanent jet lag…

On those notes (no pun intended), here’s a clip from Repo Man, one of my all-time favorite moments of metaphysical speculation:


“There’s a lattice of coincidence that lays on top of things… Say you’re thinking about a plate of shrimp, and someone will say ‘plate’ or ‘shrimp’ or ‘plate of shrimp’ out of the blue, for no reason… And there’s no point in looking for one, either: It’s all part of the collective unconscious (sic).”

“The more you drive, the less inteligent you are.” That’s going on my family crest!

“Well, these…these go up to eleven…”

I take it back…that should be the new t-shirt.

That’s one of my favorite quotes. Nobody gets it, though.

Ego expanding

and then crushed.

Now I know what a singularity feels like. Empathy is not what it use to be.

HEY!!! :mad:

What about those of us who do it for a living!!!???


omigod… I feel my brain leaking out…!

Duh, whut’s dat George?

I once ran into a cool person, Al Franken! I dont know if most people know who he is, but he is like stephen colbert and is running for the senate representing Minnesota!

Al Franken is pretty cool. And anyone who was alive during the 1980’s should know who he is. After all, that WAS the “Al Franken decade.”

Did you talk to him?

So just finished the podcast today…

Lost = sci-fi, no question.
Chuff is cool.
I am concluding that everyone in BSG is buggered, cos it can’t end well.
Farscape is awesome and everyone should watch it, ladies Ben Browder, gents, Claudia Black. And lots of leather.
Sorry, I dont like Cali - she annoys the crap out of me. Out of Gas is not a favourite episode of mine but I do like how they add some backstory.

Also, EmilyfromOhio is stalking my podcasts too - she was on slice of scifi the other week!

Another admirer of Chuff. Yea!


and he writes hilarious books, too…