GWC Podcast #79

Cavitar you are completely correct. I recall this because one of my dumb PolySci profs spent an entire 1.5 hour lecture trying to pull the reason why Nixon got ousted out of a bunch of freshman back in about-ish 1983. It was a late class, I was hungry and tired and didn’t really care 'cause, frak, it was Nixon. Gods I hated that prof.

Any who, the big stink about Nixon was he told the CIA, his secret police if you will, to go talk to the FBI to get them to put a lid on their Watergate investigation.

I’m not saying I picked up a lot from that PolySci class but apparently some people frown on it when you use your secret police to impede investigations into illegal activities that you are ultimately responsible for.

I have to confess that I go through the podcast like it’s the Zapruder film, but I didn’t get what movie this quote was from “why am I talking what way?”

— Dismal the conspiracy nut

I believe that’s from the movie Hot Rod, spoken by Andy Samberg. I haven’t seen it, but it’s in the trailer and Sean has talked it up a bit.

And you thought Thriller was popular only with the incarcerated crowd… I give you, LONDON!