GWC Podcast #78

This week we cover the re-watch episode Torn, but we also take a few minutes to disucss Chrismas loot. Highlights: Sean scores a copy of the new sci-fi game Mass Effect and loves it, Chuck bemoans the fact that Wil Wheaton won’t guest on GWC, Audra answers the ultimate question — where does Lara Croft keep the guns? — and we speculate more on the origin of goo, note the re-watch appearance of Sharon Tai Chi, discuss Racetrack’s incredible luck, question again whether or not Baltar’s a Cylon, wonder if Ms. Sackhoff really cut her hair with a KA-Bar for the show, speculate that EJO used “the voice” on Hot Dog as a child, and debate the official drink of GWC (and whether it includes a C3PO action figure). Look for a call-heavy episode next week. Happy New Year, and be safe on the ‘eve.

nooooooooooooooooooo Sean
chuck you ninny

yes Blade Runner mega collection…im going to see it in a movie-dinner place for my birthday party :slight_smile: im subjecting all my firends to my inner geekness

yes chuck there blue

Sean:i also played Fable as evil and i got flys around my head eventually

Audra is one again the coolest

im glad to break my own things
but a wall…no im not that dumb. Maby glass, baseballbats, wood chairs, someones skull. that id break, but not a wall

wow audra didnt know you had it in you…didnt know the hybrad had it in her too, i thought she was more robot than that, screws the cylons cant reproduce theory

Will this help get Mr. Wheaton on the show?

(Sorry, it’s a bitmap, from before my Gimp days.)

I went to go see There Will Be Blood last night (great flick BTW) and had a bizarre moment at the beginning where I thought that the second lead was Wil Wheaton. It wasn’t (it’s Paul Dano) but for the longest time I couldn’t get Mr. Wil as a southern psuedo-preacher out of my head.

Thanks for the shout out. Like Sean said, if anybody out there is interested in putting their name on their geek card, but don’t have any graphics skills, PM me and I’ll send you the High res PDF that has a text field that you can type your name in and print it out.

About your question about the color of nebulas, here is an article that does a good job of explaining how they make the pretty color space pics.

Generally speaking, the cameras on telescopes are black and white and they have several different color filters that they use when taking pictures. They then take a single picture of an object with each filter, and depending on what they are looking for, they will combine the different color images for the picture. If they combine the red, green and blue images, then you will get a “true” color image. If they add more colors or use different filters to get a “false” image, you may see other things that stick out that you may not notice in a “true” image. Many of the filters are tuned to a specific wavelengths of light that will let the astronomers see specific chemical compositions in the object they are observing.
The chemical searches also depends on if the nebula is a reflection nebula, a reflection nebula of a “Dark” nebula. So you have different filters for looking for different chemicals depending on how light strikes the nebula dust.
So, many of the pictures you see are “true” color pictures but you really have to read the image description to be sure.

My thread got a mention woot woot! the Christmas Swag.

I agree that comment on the Hybrid and the jumps had me crying while I was listening on my way to work this morning!

Thanks for making my day!

I posted this in the other thread, but I think its worth posting here to:

And remember, I operate on props, and I was the first one to do this, so lets hear it. :smiley:

Props to you! This gives me an idea for a variant…if you took a Luke Skywalker…and instead of hanging him off the side…

…you could drop him directly in the drink. If you are really committed to this you could also chop off one of his hands…:wink:

A couple movie quotes and clarification:

  1. It’s week 37 of the rewatch. “37?!”

  2. Re: The Fenatic pic, “I’ll have what s/he’s having.”

  3. Re: My “GWC is totally worth it” comment from #77… It IS totally worth the free download, and would be at twice the price. But to make it clear beyond the ironic-ality: The GWC experience would be worth paying for, too.

  4. I can’t think of a way to possibly top the goo-tub comments.

As they say in Trading Places, “Merry new year.”

This gives me an idea for a variant…if you took a Luke Skywalker…and instead of hanging him off the side…

…you could drop him directly in the drink. If you are really committed to this you could also chop off one of his hands…

Actually that gives me another idea, what putting Luke in about knee height water, then freezing it. Then turn it upside down so it looks like he’s hanging.

dude thats a ice pop
not a drink, its the official icece of GWC

Thats true, now I’m just thinking of ways to combine Star Wars action figures with food and drinks. Hmmm. Goes off to experiment

Oooh. You win! Who cares if it is an ice pop? It is hysterically funny!

From the RDM podcast on “Torn”:
“This is really Katee sawing off her own hair with a real knife.”

Also, I know that somewhere back there I read an interview with her in which she discussed how intense it was to chop off her own hair on camera. I myself cut off several feet of hair two years ago, after a lifetime of flowing golden tresses, but I had it braided in pigtails, gently snipped by a pro, and donated to Locks of Love. I cannot imagine how insane it must have been to hack through it, especially since she hates her short hair. (note to Katee Sackhoff: your short hair is soooo much hotter and you should learn to love it)

Thanks for the Mass Effect plug. I’ve been wanting to find a new RPG game where you can be a girl. I hate games that only let you be male. As a woman I find it terribly alienating.