This week we cover the re-watch episode Torn, but we also take a few minutes to disucss Chrismas loot. Highlights: Sean scores a copy of the new sci-fi game Mass Effect and loves it, Chuck bemoans the fact that Wil Wheaton won’t guest on GWC, Audra answers the ultimate question — where does Lara Croft keep the guns? — and we speculate more on the origin of goo, note the re-watch appearance of Sharon Tai Chi, discuss Racetrack’s incredible luck, question again whether or not Baltar’s a Cylon, wonder if Ms. Sackhoff really cut her hair with a KA-Bar for the show, speculate that EJO used “the voice” on Hot Dog as a child, and debate the official drink of GWC (and whether it includes a C3PO action figure). Look for a call-heavy episode next week. Happy New Year, and be safe on the ‘eve.