GWC Podcast #63

Happy 1st birthday, GWC! And we’d like to especially extend these birthday greetings to all of you who’ve stuck around and made GWC what it is through your calls and messages. This week we take a moment to talk about the recent upgrades to the website and blog, but — most importantly — get down to some serious talk about Epiphanies. Highlights: we discuss Roslin’s unpopular choice to abort the Hylon, marvel at how the Colonial peace movement is headed by a Cylon, consider Baltar’s interactions with head-Six and Gina as evidence for and against head-Six’s physical presence, and take one of our favorite calls this year in which a caller describes Tigh as the Dr. Cox of BSG. Don’t miss the late-cast discussion of why comic books rule (and why the crew’s going to re-watch Buckaroo Bonzai sometime soon).

hi. love the podcast, listen to it while i cut the lawn & do yardwork. Great job, keep it up. I’m the one that called in about the relay operator. :slight_smile:

Thanks! I really wondered what that was, but it was entertaining, so I used it. I feel a lot better now.

radio stations use them for pranks because they have to say WHATEVER the caller types in. :smiley:

Hey Chuck and crew, just wanted to post a line to say thanks for all your hard work on the podcast and website. And thanks for bringing the word “awesome” back the the forefront of my daily vernacular. AWESOME!
Would love to see a Buckaroo Banzai podcast sometime. There is SO much there to comment on.


Chuck, Sean, Audra,
I am building a life sized Galactica on several acres near my home. I would like to invite anyone who has access to nails, plywood, paint, power equipment, computer equipment, degrees in nuclear physics, aerodynamics, structural engineering, electrical engineering, or environmental systems, to come on over next Saturday to help me put up the first hanger bay wall, which I am having difficulty raising by myself as it is over 400 feet long and weighs several tons. Cake and cookies will be provided. Hope to have this built and in space by next week’s podcast. Thanks !! Alpaca pen will be available for those travelling with Alpacas.

Hey, I just want to echo the caller who recommended Paris, Texas. It is my favorite Wim Wenders film and absolutely one of the best films of the '80s. (Chuck, maybe you’re thinking of Happy, Texas?)

Wim Wenders also did a very decent science fiction film, Until the End of the World, and an excellent fantasy film, Wings of Desire, the original German (and far superior) film that City of Angels was based on.

They’re all intelligent and artistic films that I think y’all would appreciate.

Chuck - I laughed so hard when you made your porno comment because as soon as Audra mentioned the movie, I thought “well, you wouldn’t have to change the name to make that a porno”.

just want to see how the battlestar is progressing. pictures would be nice. I do have a bunch of drywall screws and wiring i can donate.

I have some spare ethernet cable. Will that help?

Nice thread-revival, BTW.

just thought i would try to find the oldest post on the forum and give it a bump.

Kinda fun looking back in time…

:smiley: I have (and recently listened to) Podcast #1. Know what? It was great right out of the gate. :slight_smile:

espcially Sean!

“umm…hi” :smiley:

Well someone’s looking forward to Stargate : Continuum… or is it backward? :smiley:

Are the first podcasts available somewhere?
I can’t seem to find them…

I was thinking of doing a re-watch and re-listen

They are only available from the main blog page. But to cheat you can start with this page which has podcasts 1 - 6. Then use previous page to get the rest. :slight_smile:

Thank you. this should be fun.

You can search the blog for a post with the podcast number or search the blog for a post in the month that the podcast was released. Then you can direct download the podcast from the website or listen to it on the website.

Although I suspect someone more technically adept than myself might be able to five you a better answer.

~Shooter Out

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

You’re welcome! Enjoy!

Easiest way to find a particular podcast is to google like so: “podcast #1” (changing the number as needed.)

(One for the FAQ?)