Derivative = Cop Out (Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan)
Homage = The movie The Lost Boys
Actually, I think homage is the wrong word here. In my mind an homage is a moment that is defined as a nod to something else. For example in Last Crusade when Indy is asked if he is sure if the image in the catacombs is the the ark of the convenant he responds, “I’m sure” and a piece of Raiders music plays in the background.
If you accept the fact there is nothing original out there and that everything is related to everything else then where do we draw the line between derivative and quality? Raiders of the Lost Ark is directly based on adventure movies from the 30s and 40s. Go and rent the best of them: Gunga-din. There are shots and sequences that are directly lifted out of that and dropped into Raiders including the getting dragged behind the truck sequence.
I would argue that something that breaks new ground and transcends the original to make something unique in an interesting way is the definition of quality.