GWC Podcast #157 Live From The GWC Nat'l Meetup

I missed it :frowning: Of course I haven’t gone completely through the flickr pool either.

Well 30 min in you can still be heard.

It was great times - the whole weekend was so much fun, just hanging out and getting to know everyone and discussing lots and lots of things.

ExacTly! Thanks for clarifying, Leah.

I’ll have to go back and listen - I was probably making a dumb joke that fell flat and got ignored. :wink:

Flickr POO! Bwahahaha!!!

  1. What was the meaning of the V on Lora’s grave?

This is the religious symbol for Baltar’s cult, actually! It looks like a flying gull. You can see a picture of it here:

I gather that Chuck kept telling the audience, “to texting” because SMS’ing would seriously wreak havoc on the podcast equipment. Am I right? :cool:

If I were there… Chuck would go, “No texting. And no sheep noises!” :smiley: heheh… who was the guy that made the goat noise?

We saw the V all the way on Kobol after Socinus and that other guy died.
Crashdown hung their dogtags over it, but then stole em.

Roslin was a secret member of Baltar’s cult?!

She apparently digs the younger men that have served under her…

kay…quick need for clarification…i’ve been watching the finale over and over and i still can’t tell if starbuck tells anders ‘i love you’ or ‘i don’t love you’ (as in i don’t love you i love lee…be free anders! free to drive the galactica into the sun because your life without me has no meaning for you! hee hee!)

She said “I love you” to Sam.

Not “Sun time?” Huh.



Very happy with the whole end except for Starbuck’s story. I usually dont care for answer as vauge as “God did it” or “because God said.”
Also now that its all over, is/was Baltar evil?

I don’t think Baltar was evil…he was a complicated man, but a few simple things gave him pleasure (to quote a tall blonde who will be on “Chuck” next week). I think he was weak. I think he was sensitive. I think he was a coward at times and self-serving most of the time, but, as with all of us, he tried to redeem himself and be a better person (and, as with most of us, failed miserably a lot of the time and fell square on his “SORRY, BARB” the other times). As we saw with his administration and with his cult, sometimes he believed his own BS to both extremes, and with varied outcomes (on New Caprica, his actions and failures caused misery and despair, but they also kept humanity alive long enough for them to escape, and with his cult, whether he was truly a believer or just a megalomaniac, his words and ideas gave people comfort and hope, and in some instances the strength and resolve to carry on through a horrible ordeal…there’s some grace and divinity even in the most base and profane of things). His actions and his flaws led to some horribly evil things, and on some level he is responsible for the holocaust of the 12 Colonies…but he saved Hera on more than one occasion (first, from being aborted, then from New Caprica, then on the CIC). We’re all here because of Baltar. So maybe he’s okay, in the end.

And as for the end of Starbuck (and in turn, the end of the show)…I’m okay with it. The how’s and why’s and what’s involved in trying to define the divine or mystical are really where stories lose their mythology (think about how mediocre an explanation “midichlorians” are for the majesty of the FORCE). I mean we knew that Starbuck was dead and was resurrected…I think the unexplainable mystery is more appealing for this story than the one mired in technological deconstruction that has her be a part-cylon or a clone or whatever. It’s the same argument for Roslin’s visions (notice they start when she starts taking Chamala, and her final “Opera House” vision on Galactica starts when she shoots herself up with her cancer cocktail…was Roslin really in touch with a biblical magic, or was she just hopped up on goofy juice? Was she really the “dying leader” or did she co-opt that role and have the visions and the reality and the scripture morph around her desire to become that? Dunno, but I like to think that she’s connected to a force beyond our comprehension, and if we were to show you a schematic or a blueprint or a formula or a CSI: Miami explanation on exactly how and why and what was going on, it would make it simple and mundane in some ways).

Anyways, I loved the ending. I loved all of the characters coming to their conclusion. I love that even with humans and Cylons living in a stone age existence, that they’ll all still frak and fight and build and destroy, and the cycles of history will continue. Atlantis and Lemuria will rise and then fall, cultures will grow and prosper and some will die off and be lost forever and the Chief will invent haggis and sheep tossing, and then someday the descendents of Galactica will pitch a show in the late 70’s, following the popularity of “Star Wars”, which shows a war against humans and robots, with Vipers and Raiders and Centurions and Colonials, and the legend of Starbuck will be told again. Oh, what beauty. Thanks RDM.

I . . . so . . . wish I was at the meet-up with all of you that were there . . .

I had a long rant planned, but I really am jealous you all had a wonderful time . . . I hope I get to go to the next one . . . .

You guys rock!


I generally like the final episode, however I cannot get over these three things.

  1. What is the Cylon “plan” I saw a commercial about a spin off series. I mean C’mon, that is a cop out. THough possibly good future TV.

  2. What is the harbinger of Death reference to Kara? Is that the end of the first world earth discovered in season 4.0?

  3. What the heck is Kara, besides another Cop out in my opinion.

I also felt the Opera house scene could of had more of a significance rather then just a coincidence of events leading up to the CIC. In any event, it is just a TV show and I can’t get overwhelmed on specifics I guess. Can’t wait until Caprica begins. Keep up the good works guys.

Given that the Chief is now Scotsman Prime, and he left the rest of the colonials in such a bad mood, it now explains a lot of things about Scotland.

Caber tossing? If my 2,000 year old lover had killed my wife, the mother of someone else’s child, I’d want to chuck trees around.

Eating Haggis? This had to have been a step up from eating Prime Rib of Algae, in an Algae reduction sauce, with a side dish of pan roasted Algae, with a nice glass of Algae wine.

Tartan? I know when I’m depressed, I tend to wear the same plaid shirts over and over again until I come out of my funk.

And Starbuck will be remembered.

Thank you Chuck, Audra and Sean for a fun podcast. It’s hard to believe BSG is over. I am so happy to know the GWC gang will still be around in podcasts and on the forum. Thanks for all the hours of great listening.

Best outro ever.


On the topic of Baltar being Evil, as has been pretty consistent throughout the show, no one is inherently evil & no one is inherently good in this story. ESPECIALLy Gaius Baltar.

I’ve been listening to you guys for the last 2 seasons (since I joined Ipod land) and it’s always been enough to just be that person that listens in but never really joins the party. But I have to say that I really feel like I’ve missed out on something special by a) not participating in the forums until now and b) not coming to the meet up. I’m very happy that you will continue your 'casts and am cautiously optimistic that another epic group viewing experience will come along, but I am really kicking myself in the butt for missing the boat on this one! (I did go to the midseason finale screening at the Arclight in LA, so that was cool)

Great job every week… not just the content, but the superb sound quality as well… other podcasts have good content (like J&J Lost), but just don’t make the effort to put out high quality sound. Keep up the good work.

Charlie from LA