GWC Podcast #132 (Bonus)

We just watched BSG 4.5 Webside Chapter 2: Face of the Enemy. Highlights: we predict badness for those in the Raptor, analyze the time clues we’re given (three days to the flash forward, two days to the Galactica flash, twenty hours of air), wonder if Hoshi’s rescue is Gaeta’s way back to the fleet, wonder if we’ve seen Backyard BBQ Sharon before, are thoroughly weirded out by the “do you remember me, Felix?” moment, enjoy seeing Tigh back in the seat as XO, and speculate on what’ll happen next. Good times!

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Chuck leads the way~! Hoah~! :stuck_out_tongue:

They said they were beyond the red line.
Wasnt the red line a place near the colonies that they already crossed?
Or do they make a new red line every time they jump?

Also, it looks like it might be Boomer, but how did she get there?

I think Baltar was assigned to chart the redline but he dilly-dallied and frakked it up during his setup of his new navigation system… :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the red line is the point beyond which a jump can be plotted with any reliability, so there is a new ‘red line’ for each point in space. Probably given too great a distance certain parameters necessary to calculate the jump cannot be known and need to be estimated. Certain people with greater skill (i.e., Gaeta) can plot such jumps with somewhat better reliability, but I assume there is still a huge risk. As such probably it is probably still just a guess to plot the reverse returning jump once a ‘red line’ jump has been made…

Interesting how it has moved from hostile Cylon[z] to Cavil’s Basestars I wonder if that means that there are further division within the Cylon[z].

I am wondering if it is an 8 from New Caprica, that has some sort of back story with Gaeta.

I’m in mathematical agreement here…the farther from a fixed point you extend your “line”, the exponentially greater the margin of error that must be accounted for – or in this case, calculated for. I never quite understood the issue with backtracking, or somehow applying a breadcrumb system to be able to track point-to-point progress, but I chalk a great degree of the improbability (yay, H2G2!) to dramatic embellishment.

Now I’m all a-thinkin’ a-new about who’s flight suit Felix ends up wearing, bloody-faced but clean-clothed…

The “something in the universe that helped us find Earth” … “find Gaeta” - that seems to me to be the big “hint”. Now if I only had the slightest notion of what the comment hints at (other than God, greater power, 12 step programs, etc.).

Well I called (over in the Podcast 130) the Count Down Timer as being the O2 count down.

Its also possible that the Red line might be their fuel amount. The Red line being half of there jump fuel is depleted. If they go over the line that means that there is now way to jump back the same distance in the same amount of fuel. Thats why Geata would have to get creative in plotting jump points. Its sort of like flying around the earth. It takes longer to fly a straight line than it takes to fly a parabola. So they may have jumped in a straight line but can plot an alternate route back that is more fuel efficient.

Yes, tough call. Simplicity of story would suggest that it’s Boomer, but she doesn’t seem to have a very Boomer attitude. Then again last we’ve seen of Boomer has mostly been in her relations to Athena. Maybe she really has no beef with Gaeta. They seemed like friends back on Galactica, and maybe they had good relations (no IYKWIM, obviously) back on New Caprica.

I prefer it be Boomer, but I’m not ready to put my quarter on it yet…

Which leads me to wonder what the implication of these positive ties, whatever they may stem from, will lead to…if they try to contain this “back story” into the webisodes, there is very little time to really give it breathing room (pun soooo intended). If we start getting into low-oxygen-induced irrationality and even bloodshed, it may be just enough to provide for alliances – or even self-sacrifice – that can save lives in the final hours.

(This fascinates me, incidentally – the less clear information that’s given, the more enjoyment I get out of analyzing the living craaaaaaap out of it.)

It was great watching Tigh realize the implications of Hoshi’s concern.
He had that “It’s in the frakin ship” look.

There would need to be a a lot of explanation if it is Boomer.

Boomer after all was the 8 that sided with Cavil in favor of lobotomizing the Raiders so they would be autonomous solders again to be used against the Colonials and Final Five.

Boomer did survive the destruction of the Hub but I find unlikely the the other 8 would have welcomed her back. Besides with the presence of the pilot 8’s would not her CyFy network tell her that the other 8 was Boomer.

Thought I’d post the link here for others like me - webisode 2:

Ooh, I think that is an excellent point. Especially since I have a hard time believing that this is Boomer, talking all girly girly - sub in Sean’s impression of this Eight - to Gaeta, even if they were friends before. Boomer is pretty damaged, with all the sleeper cylon stuff and the Chief and Cavil and turning away from her own models, etc, etc… I highly doubt she’d be cute talking to Gaeta, a colleague at most really.

But Gaeta did spend all that time on New Caprica; it’s not unlikely he’d struck up friendships/relationships with other cylons during the occupation.

Oh, and I thought that zoom into Tigh’s eyepatch (and not his other functioning eye) right before they cut back to the raptor was kind of hilarious. It’s like, Hogan is so good, he even emotes through the eyepatch.

I agree with bkitty’s call, and I believe Gaeta and that 8 did the nasty on New Craprica. Totally.

Soo…now we’re thinking Gaeta is bi-sexual? That’s a bit of a blind jump says I.

I tend to agree with Chuck’s theory early on in the 'cast–that Sweet 8 will start killing the others in order to save air for Gaeta. Or that at least it’ll be a strong red herring. I’ll bet Gaeta has to take her out by the end to make her stop.

BTW, from the Battlestar Wiki:

The name “Felix” means “happy” in Latin; the connotations of the Latin word imply being fortunate, lucky, prosperous, or “favored by the gods”.

Yes, now that I think of it it would. Can’t Cylons just ‘sense’ each individual of a given model? If that’s the case then Boomer could not just walk freely aroud Galactica if other Cylons were about…

Now I’m leaning back towards a new 8.

Heck, if that’s the case she’d probably kill herself too, if she had already taken out all the others.