GWC Podcast #124

It’s Halloween and we have a special ‘cast for you featuring the RomZomCom Shaun of the Dead. Highlights: We note how we sometimes mistake co-workers for zombies, too, analzye Shaun and Ed’s zombie-fighting acumen, assure listeners that Bruce Campbell really doesn’t “bang” Zena, discuss the difference between horror movies and thrillers, hear Sean’s astounding ID of a caller’s “unknown anime with boobs that shoot to attack,” hate on Heavy Metal (the film, not the music), check out callers’ killer Halloween experiences and costumes, listen to Audra’s male strip club experience, and suffer through Chuck’s rambling connection between BYOB all-nude clubs and Neal Stephenson’s novel Snow Crash. No, really.
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What’s the next arc? What’s the next arc? What’sthenextarc…

Yes, I remember her now. She was a good tipper. Thank you.

I am so glad to have you to listen to, once again!!!

Happy Halloween!


That wasn’t the hub, it was a guy at Comicon! I love you guys! The hub is 6’5"- I am much more dwarfed by him than that guy! LOL!

I am cracking up!

The hub prefers little red skirts! lol!

sniff I just love it here!

“Collapsible Breast Missiles”
“Nuclear Powered D-cups”

:smiley: Wow, that was awesome.

Oh yeah, there is content a plenty for a year’s worth of intros. I have made detailed files.

Audra, you guys haven’t watched Spaced? It’s great.

I <3 this cast

How have I never seen this before? :eek:

Aphrodite A

Regarding the BYOB strip clubs, I can’t speak for the laws of Texas, but I know that some of them use it as end-run around the law. When I was in college, a buddy of mine bounced at several clubs, and he said the BYOB ones were denied (or had lost) their liquor licenses over objections from the more conservative elements of the community. Of course, they only needed a license to serve alcohol; nothing prevented them from just allowing it on the premises. So rather than going out of business, they just went BYOB.

As a related aside, there was porn shop in the same town. For the longest time, it was the only one, as a law was passed after its establishment to prevent any new adult bookstore from opening within the city. Until, of course, another store did open, exploiting the convenient fact that they did not sell books and were therefore not actually a bookstore, but a newsstand and video store.

To paraphrase Lord Helmet, evil will always win, because good doesn’t foresee loopholes. :smiley:

Oh, and:

Just because - and since Poofy has a shot of zombie jesus up there… has anyone else seen Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter? Because it was hilaaaaaaaaarious.

Awww…Chuck…thanks for the sweet things you said about my little guy (The Tenth Doctor). You can always use my screen name ‘cause I’m an attention whore,:wink: but I do prefer to keep my kids’ names private, so thanks for the consideration there. Seriously, thanks again for mentioning him. He was over the moon excited to be the Tenth Doctor this year, even if no one had any idea who the heck he was, even when we told them.:rolleyes:


Anyway, regarding David Teninch leaving Doctor Who: Considering how many times he’s said he wanted to play the Doctor since he was a child, and then finally got to, you know he’s leaving because he wants to be known as more than JUST The Doctor.

And yes, I’m very sad to see him go. JUST when I was going to get a costume together and hit the Ren faires! :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, Sean: OMGWTFBBQ Freema Agyeman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Billie Piper :stuck_out_tongue:

since I seem incapable of effecting a proper edit, I’m going to add that George Lazenby played James Bond for one film, 1969’s On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

Also, yummmmmm @ alcoholic Dr Pepper

That IS quite a tragedy! IYKWIM!

Keara, you did a amazing job and should get mother of the year.

I think this is how you find out which of your neighbors are the ones you will get along with the best. If they recognize him as The Doctor then they will be your best friends. If they think he is Mr. Weasley than they are fantasy geeks and get a pass, they can hang. Anything else means they are common folk and can go join the rest of the sheeple. :smiley:

One time as a kid I dressed as Link from The Legend of Zelda and everyone thought I was Peter Pan. What is wrong with people!!! Maybe if we start dressing up as reality tv stars everyone would get it right away?

You mean you dressed up as Zelda right? (Who the hell is Link?)


Honestly though, if you’re not a fan of Zelda, most people are gonna think Peter Pan. That’s not their fault… we must forgive them.

One’s a boy and the other’s a girl.

Princess Zelda


I know. I’m making light of the fact that back in the day everybody called Link, Zelda

And there’s always Peter Sellers from the first Casino Royale

Sean, did I hear you say Deborah Kerr (who by coincidence is in Casino Royal)? I think you meant Terri Garr.

Young Frankenstein definitely deserves some form of Halloween rewatch…