This week we head Back to the Future, visiting 2015 Hill Valley. Highlights: We love Michaela’s latest GWC intro, notice the Rylos Star Car cameo, wonder where the hell our flying cars are in 2008, hear Audra’s BttF Junk Report™, speculate that all cops are stripper supermodels in the future, discuss future Biff’s final resting place, express our disappointment that after 30 years the society has yet to raise enough cash to save the clock tower, worry that Marty and Doc Brown are the ones who really screwed up the timeline, reminisce about Casio’s SK-1, and remind everyone not to miss Chuck, Heroes, and the new Life on Mars.
now, more than ever I think I should call in with a weekly boob report.
Huey Lewis and the band of whores… now that is a signature.
“I didn’t notice any junk.” :eek:
Damn, Audra, that’s cold. Throw the poor guy a bone!
uh, so to speak.
Ok, so a theory came up with some friends yesterday when I was trying to figure out how Marty could have visited himself and his family in the future.
In the first movie, when Marty travels back to 1985, there must be a different version of Marty in that world, that he just doesn’t run into, like a more well to do Marty, like how his family is all more well to do. That Marty is the one who goes on to crash the truck and break his hand and have the family that he has to save.
Another paradox is that, because Jennifer has been ripped from her original timeline, how can Doc justify leaving einstein and jennifer in that crap hole biff-verse, while taking himself and Marty back in time. Because if a new Jennifer and Einstein reappear in the corrected timeline, why wouldnt there be a new Doc and Marty also?
Hopefully this all makes
I personally think that the writers got a bit tangled up. Firstly they said that, according to Doc’s chalk board diagram, that there were parallel universes, in that there would be more than one future, and therefore I think more than one Marty. On that point I agree with you brokencosmos
However by stating that 1985 would miraculously change around Jennifer and Einstein Doc is saying there is one universe, and the changes determine what it is like. It was really a plot device so they didn’t have to have Jennifer in the last two movies as much.
Doc’s chalk diagram clearly shows that when old Biff went back to 1955 two parallel universes were created, so Jennifer and Einstein being left in the “bad” 1985 should have stayed there and when Marty got back to the “good 1985” he couldn’t have found her on the porch.
There are probably enough holes in my theory to drive a truck through so please feel free to pick it apart!
I was also thinking about how old Biff gets back to the future that he left from, since he changed the past, wouldnt he then travel into an alternate future where Biff is king?
Absolutely. The creators of part two actually laid a commentary track over the deleted scene when Biff gets back to 2015. We see him in the theatrical cut groaning and falling over, which is a very short clip. In the extended scene he fades out. I know other people have mentioned this in the forum. He was supposedly killed back in “bad” 1985 so he didn’t exist anymore.
However there was additional commentary that when Marty and Doc leave there was apparently no way for us to tell in that space of a few minutes that it was alternate “evil” 2015 that had changed around them. In that they weren’t driving into town so we couldn’t notice the difference
Thats awesome! Man I totally have to go back and watch it with commentary, I too was always confused by the weirdly acting old biff when he got out of the deloreon, it all makes sense now!
Yeah, It’s weird - I am not a big fan of commentary usually but I liked this one. Mainly because you can just watch the deleted/extended scenes with it on. I usually can’t sit through a whole movie length version with it on.
Glad I could clear that up a bit for you. The writers orginally planned that Lorraine would shoot him near the end of the 20C
Probably my least favorite BttF, if only because I still don’t quite understand it. Lol. Very complicated
LOL That’s exactly why it’s my favourite - I love the intricacies
Some of the things that happen in this movie remind me of Matrix Reloaded - as in, they took some of the elements and devices that worked really well in the first movie and used them again, but they used them way too much for way too long. Marty trying to fix the past becomes Marty trying to fix the past and also fix the past he’s already fixed. Characters that were a little over the edge fall right off the cliff (I’m thinking both Biff here, and Marty with his chicken thing).
And, I still find it hard to believe that Doc - who always seemed to believe in not messing around with the timeline - has Marty come to the future to change something that happens with his kid. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to stop him from getting in that car wreck that seemed to make his life go downhill???
Having said all that, I completely understand getting the Almanac… AND I absolutely love all of the little details everywhere in the future. I loved those sneakers he had that laced themselves up perfectly.
What the hell Chuck why you baggin on Thursday nights? Nothings on? Pshah
Always Sunny
The Office
Any of those ringin a bell Mr. Cage
Holy frak that has got to be the best intro EVER!!!
NOONE is going to be able to top that!!
Anyway off to listen to the rest of the podcast.
OH, MAN! Wait 'til Solai reads that…
I would just like to say that I am totally behind the Back to the Future rewatch, and anyone who isn’t is missing out.
I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but I saw BTTF1 and T2 this weekend. I wanted to add to Audra’s hair report that George McFly and John Connor basically have the same hair cut. All Johnny needs is a whole lotta Dippity Doo…
Oh, BTW who ever has BTTF II and III checked out from the Mountain View Blockbusters please return them…
WTF? I keep getting “internal server error” trying to download this.
ETA: But forcing the download from the iTunes page works. Go figure.