GWC Podcast #117

Great podcast. The other thug next to Bill Paxton was Brian Thompson. Known for his roles as the Alien Bounty Hunter in the X-Files and as one or two Klingons in the Star Trek franchises.

This movie was the origin of Arnold’s famous one liner “I’ll Be Back.”, which he’d use a couple more times throughout his career. Personally, for me, the funniest line came from the African-American guy in the seedy motel staring at Arnold leaving his room strapped with enough ordinance to carry out a little war.

Let’s not forget the greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger/Bill Paxton collaboration of all time, True Lies, in which Paxton plays everyone’s favourite secret agent, Simon.

Now Chuck, what I really need to know about the cordless gun is:
Can you hold back the nose tip like , say, a Bostitch compressor-driven spike gun and launch 16d nails into the next yard or jobsite, and how long did it take Sean to run out of nails doing it? Cause that is some fun stuff.
Unsafe and not recommended of course. But fun.

Real Genius joke: The Terminator (T-800) doesn’t need a nail gun, so considerable is his cyborg schlong power. He can hammer a 16-inch spike through a board with it.

Still my favorite musical to this day and with some of the best lines ever that still hold true today :wink:

John Adams: I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace; that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress!

[Sigh, priceless]

Also Gweneth Paltrow’s mom…hot. As you can see in the picture.

Doing my re-listen and, yes, you can be a Republican have a schlong like that.

Although, you’re invariably a Ron Paul Republican.

That’s Gweneth Paltrow’s mom, really? Hot indeed.

On a not exactly related note, I got the 1st DVD of the HBO Miniseries “John Adams” in the mail from Netflix today. I’m looking forward to watching it.

Yes, that is Blythe Danner. Geez - she has a name guys! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the one question I have is: are people sending recommendations for things to watch, saying it’s “just like TransFormers”?

And if we do, will we horribly incapacitate Sean until the end of time? :stuck_out_tongue:

ok–scooters are now cool…or at least hot

The Terminator wields a AR-18 and Spas-12 during his assault on the police station.

Since I’m all about the guys who will so get me in trouble if they talk pretty, T1 has one of the best lines in moviedom. And when I force my sorta SciFi chick friends to watch T1, they all agree. They’d do 'im too.

Reese: I came across time for you Sarah. I love you. I’ve always loved you.

Is it hot in here or is it Michael Biehn??

I wonder if Reese knew he would be John’s father. Obviously John knew, but I’m not sure Reese did. I get that he loved her, but he hardly could have imagined there’d be a booty call in a special op assignment. The fact that he goes and it does happen makes it an even better love story.

True. But Sgt. Kyle Reese is also a bad-ass motherfrakker (literally)

Don’t you think it’s a little creepy though? To be so madly in love with a women who would have been old enough to be his grandmother, had not she already died before he ever heard of her?

That’s probably why he went. Stalking through time. :slight_smile:

I recall reading somewhere that Lance Henrickson originally tried out for the role of the Terminator. Cameron wisely decided to go with Arnold but gave Lance a bit part in the movie. Lance also starred in Cameron’s Pirahna and of course Aliens.

Lance Henrickson as a robot? No way. Wouldn’t work. Oh wait …I forgot :smiley:

And it’s his bosses/best friends mom.


Well, when the alternative is a toothless, unwashed, rat eating middled aged looking 20 year old who smells of BO and burning plastic…ya know?

Just listened to the podcast, and it was great guys !

Thanks, Sean. Your “How y’all doin’” line made me blow diet pepsi through my nose!

If you like Aussie/Brit accents, google Abby Winters. Not at work! Trust me on this…

Sorry, Barb.
