GWC Long-Range Planning Ideas

Indeed it does. As I posted on the blog, GWC definitely isn’t going anywhere. We’re so happy to be members of this community that we’re going to keep 'casting no matter what.

And while we’re (thankfully) nowhere near having to make these decisions yet – and can’t make any real decisions until we see what happens with season four – we are starting to think ahead a bit. My first thought: we can probably survive 'till April on BSG. It’s an additional 12 podcasts or so – less when you consider that the rewatch will extend into 2008, so that’s not much of a worry. I am concerned, though, about trying to make it through another 8-12 month drought on BSG alone.

So a few questions:

  1. If we’re faced with a monstrous split in season four, could we consider widening our focus to bring in more other sci-fi, fantasy, comics into the 'cast? Would that suck?

  2. If we did, how could we organize it so that everyone could participate? Operate rewatches of other shows, maybe even simultaneously with each other? We’ve got more rewatches coming for the forum and DTA 'casts, maybe we could integrate some of those. Time, of course, is a concern. If we spread too wide, we (and you!) won’t have time to watch.

And while we’re asking for your ideas:

  1. We’ve been discussing adding more guests. Sure, it’d be nice to have all the actors and famous people here, but as the Malibu sheriff said, “You don’t draw s—, Lebowski.” While we’re going to certainly gear up and try to bring in these people, we’re not counting on it. And come to think of it, some of our best guests have been non-famous people who really have a lot to say. The Very Jerry and Lawyer Bill come to mind.

Maybe it’d be fun to build a sci-fi “think tank” with specialists in all sorts of areas that we could check in with whenever something pops up. We’ve got religion, philosophy, and law covered. What other areas could we seek?

Another (possibly stupid) thought: I love the idea of adding a forum where everyone can post finds related to the show’s actors – everything from other acting gigs to news. But what if we didn’t limit it to BSG? What if we also made a “friends of GWC” list, let everyone suggest people book-club style, then voted every two weeks or something and took the top two? (Or some variation of that.) We could build a list of other actors/people the community likes, and we could add info about them in the aforementioned forum, too, so we could all keep up with 'em.

Anyway, these are just a few questions/ideas I had in my head this morning. I’m sure you have other ideas – probably better ones, too. I’d love to see 'em.


I for one have a very singular thought about this: Your value is not your discussions about BSG, your value is in your discussions themselves. The content itself is irrelevant as you have proven with the Direct to Archives. You are all very smart and very insightful and I firmly believe you can tackle any content that the GWC crew has an interest in.

I leave you to the particulars…and you have put up some interesting ideas about forming a think tank and what not. In the end, my simple answer to, “If we covered something other than BSG would it suck?”

Answer: No. :smiley:

I don’t think it would suck. I think Pike, Armando, and I have been tossing around jointly and severally the notion of Galactic Watercooler. With the way things are going perhaps it is time to make the jump.

My only concern is trying to not go too obscure. Accessibility is the other concern relative to picking up any material.

We could also do a writing circle perhaps. A couple episodes on writing followed by a dramatic reading of a submitted story on a podcast perhaps might get interesting.

Pacing is a big issue. I try to keep up to enjoy things like rewatches. Being on-call does make such difficult, though.

Get Veronica Belmont?

How many folks from the realm of music reside on-forum? My area of expertise is such that I doubt it would ever come up all that much.

Interesting. This idea might need a little more refinement, though.

The current re-watch could be extended slightly by dividing the two parters into 2 seperate weeks. If only we had definate information before the rewatch began. I believe that with the assumption that season 4 was to begin in January the 2 parters had to be combined to ensure the rewatch was complete. Also, has ‘The Resistance’ been scheduled in for a rewatch, that could add another week, although I’m fairly sure most of that was covered back in the break between season 2 and 3. Also for the week or two after razor, prehaps the rewatch could be delayed?? I’m sure razor will provide plenty of material.

We’ve talked about a “Big Questions” podcast…what about instead of doing one, breaking into a question per podcast. One week debate who the final Cylon is and the next tackle something else. It could stretch it out a few more weeks.

Along with what Phoenix said, what about a few casts about story elements, not related to specific episodes. For example, you could do a cast about a single character’s story arc over the whole series.

More long term, I think sci-fi movies would be one way to go. Its a lot easier for the listeners to get a hold of a sci-fi movie then a whole season of a TV show. Also, if someone isn’t interested in the movie you are doing that week, they can just skip that cast and pick up the next week. But your already basically doing that with the DTA casts.

Whatever happens, I’ll listen.

Ditto. :slight_smile:

I could be the film expert. Since I make independent films and am the ultimate film buff… ha. Though theres probably someone better qualified.

I think the ONLY thing that makes the April news bearable is the fact that GW plans to be there for us. Thank you Audra, Chuck and Sean! I agree with most of the coments- that you guys can discuss anything and it’s fun. To be honest, I’m not a huge Sci-Fi fan. I love Star Wars, but was not really into other things before BSG. After listening to the Podcasts, being online and participating in the forum, I’m learning so much about other great Sci-Fi I never knew about or had only heard of and I’m loving it- thank you!

My one idea is a Firefly rewatch. I never saw the show and so many people reference it here at GW, I’d love an opportunity to watch it and have Podcasts to go with it.

I imagine that we’ll know before S4 begins if and how they will break up the season, thus giving time for planning. You could also use Podcast time for the book club. In fact, taking some of the most popular threads for a cast could keep you busy for a while.

The main thing is, if you build it, we will come.

I dunno if these types of guests could carry a whole show, but I’ve been curious about a couple things…

Are the show’s socio-military dynamics right? I’d like to hear someone with some military experience discuss if the show feels right in that regard. Could Starbuck really get away with the craaaap she gets/got away with? Would Lee’s mutinous (some would say patriotic) turn be so quickly forgotten?

This might be hard to find, but I’d love to hear an AI or robotics specialist weigh in on how hard it would be to design a robot (or are they cyborgs?) that can shoot straight? I know that shooting isn’t easy. But if you’re a robot equipped with an uzi in your hand, how hard IS it to shoot Helo from six feet away?

And, based on our best projections, just how technologically feasible are things like flesh-model Cylons (in Blade Runner, Decker says “skin job” is the equivalent of a racial slur; not that I’ve never said it), downloading Cylons, goo-based interfaces, etc.?

There must be a few good college courses in Sci-Fi/media studies/etc. I bet the underpaid profs that teach them would be glad to call in.

As far as trying to score the actors from the show, try making a Fletch call to bluff your way in:

Sci-Fi Public Relations Office: “Where did you say you were calling from, again?”

GWC: “Uhm, yes, this is Audra RosenRose from Entertainogram Grumblerosenweeekingstone Weekly Cooler.”

And an April Fool’s show, of course.


Can already hear Audra now…
Audra: Yes, I would like to see more Lee and less towel this season
Exec: Who is this?
Audra: This is Jamie Bambers agent
Exec: Oh really? What was your name again…?
Audra: Ummmm Ms. JamieBambersAgent


  1. someone who knows about neural networks/programming/ai to hear about how feasible some of this stuff is

  2. lawyer bill!

other think tank areas-
science, as mentioned above


music - how music is used on the show - i think this would be really interesting

art/architecture - now that we have seen several characters homes on caprica, as well as government buildings, temples, and the different ships…
maybe this came up for me because that terrific image of a futuristic city that is in every episode’s credits, seems to not really be anywhere on caprica…maybe in the mini-series?..the cities on the ground look a bit depressing…
also, we have seen art made by starbuck and art owned by boomer (in downloaded)

How about rewatching at least some of the original BSG once the reimagined series is over, or in any season four hiatus? But, I agree with everyone else: almost anything you guys discuss is fun to listen to! :slight_smile:

So, just when I think I might have come up with a great new name for the post BSG era GWC, and finally be able to ad something useful to this forum, I find out it’s old news.
Anyway, I vote for Galactic Watercooler too.
…and since the GWC Trinity just said they were going to have to change the look of the logo soon anyway, I’ll second The Alpaca Herder’s sentiment that perhaps now is indeed “time to make the jump”.

Did you give the forum URL a close look? :wink:

Was it always like that?
(You know, I think i saw that a little while back and thought it was a typo.)

Yup. When I first tried to get on the forums, I kept mistyping it.

depends what we went to
books are good, long running TV shows ennnnnnnnnn. id love to do Stargate, but 10 seasons is quite a bit even at 1 or 2 seasons a month

Id say no more that 2 in 1 catagory. like 2 TV shows, 2 movies and 2 TV series

ummmmm Boxy?

well. noone seems to understand teenagers…

im sorry, that seems really stupid to me. 1 i dont like the concept and most importantly is seeems like id be too much to keep up with

There’s the idea… :slight_smile: Just like our beloved GWC but slightly wider range.

As long as you keep putting out podcasts. Literally, you could be talking about anything. I personally think that you should get sponsored so that you can turn out more podcasts and get reimbursed for your wonderful content, but you guys are the ones making the podcast. I wonder how many people subscribe/ how big your audience is?