Gwc live!


Juan has graciously setup a website for all our meetup needs, especially if we can’t be there:

Twitter feed catcher, Flikr pool and best of all a chat room for us to talk over the weekend, especially during the live cast.

Kudos to Techdrew as always.

Y’all are gonna do the Firefly theme as part of the live 'cast, right?

We have to push them to do that!

Thank you Techdrew. Ustream worked very well last night. Did not miss a moment of the live cast. To quote Badger, “ustream, istream, we all stream for ustream!”

hangs head in shame How did I forget there was a live podcast this week??

You going to post it so people who were not there can hear it.

Yeah, but Chuck said in the last podcast that he wouldn’t have it up until mid-week or so because of all the other festivities.

You can listen to it here:

Scroll down and on the left side of the page. Click on GWC Live Mar 19.

Yeah, twist our arms. :smiley: